• real life •

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                    January 16 2017

Weslyn threw her phone on the couch after calling Ella for the millionth time today.

Ella has not been in contact with anyone ever since she left.

"Not answering?" Will asked.

"We need to do something" Auston said.

"But this is what she wants to do. I rather have her happy than mad at us" Mitch says.

Mitch was still trying to get over Ella but it wasn't working.

Everything he would do Ella would pop up in his head.

"You guys went to New York to verse the Rangers, did you ever find her?" Weslyn asked the three boys.

"We did but unfortunately we didn't see her" Will said.

"I just hate how this whole thing played out" Mitch said "Not even a proper goodbye"

"I was actually thinking that she made her mind about staying here but then that whole fight broke out making her change her mind" Weslyn said.

"Well I have to go and plan out a surprise party for Savanna" Auston said getting up.

"I'll come with" Will said following Auston out the door.

"Mitch can I ask you a question?" Weslyn asked Mitch, taking a seat next to him.

"Ask away" Mitch said.

"Did you ever like Ella?"

"Yeah I did. She made me happy. For the first time in my life someone actually understood me. Plus we had similar personalities and interests which made it easier for us in connect" Mitch said as Weslyn just stared at him.

Weslyn knew that this was not only a little crush Mitch had.

"Ella would actually take the time and sit down with me to talk about weird shit happening in my life. We would laugh at the most boring thing ever" Mitch continued.

Mitch talked to Weslyn about Ella for a good 30 minutes.

"You must really like her" Weslyn says.

"Yeah but now she's gone..." Mitch trailed off "I'm going to get a quick drink"

Mitch got up and started making his way to the cafe which was just downstairs.

He entered and ordered his usual.

He grabbed the drink and turned around bumping into a girl.

"Oh my i'm so sorry" Mitch apologized to the girl.

"Hey at least you didn't get anything on my shirt" She joked off.

"But your drink" Mitch looked at the ground to her drink which has spilled to the ground thanks to his clumsiness.

"It's okay" She said.

"No i'll buy you another one" Mitch turned around not taking a no for an answer.

"Can I have a latte?" Mitch asked.

"Okay um name?" The barista asked.

Mitch turned to the girl.

"Steph" She said.

"What she said" Mitch reported to the barista.

"You didn't have to do that" Steph said to Mitch.

"No it's my pleasure" Mitch said scratching his head.

Steph looked down at her phone and looked at her recent messages.

"Um I have to go" Steph said quickly grabbing her drink.

"Wait can I have your number?" Mitch asked.

Steph smiled as she put her number into Mitch's phone.

"Sorry my cousin is waiting for me outside but thanks for the drink" Steph said walking away.

Mitch smiled at the number in his phone.

Maybe he can get over Ella after all.

Meanwhile outside Steph looks for her cousin's car.

She spots it and gets inside.

"You seriously had to ruin a good moment for me" Steph said as she puts on her seatbelt.


"Well may be you can be more patient next time, Jacob" Steph said as they both started to drive away.

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