• real life •

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March 19 2017

"Are you coming to Sydney's party tonight?" Ella asks Savanna and Weslyn.

"Hell yeah!! It's going to be lit" Savanna exclaims as she cleans the counter.

"It's a bring a date party, who are you taking?" Ella asks Weslyn.

"Well I asked Will to come with me" Weslyn says as Ella and Savanna looked at each other before bursting out with laughter.

"What?" Weslyn asked the two.

"You and Will eh?" Savanna nudged Weslyn.

"No as friends" Weslyn says.

"Sure" Ella said not believing her.

"I'm serious" Weslyn replies back.

"Yeah whatever you say" Savanna says as the door of the diner opens revealing Auston, Will and Mitch.

"FOOD!!" They yelled taking a seat at the counter instead of the booth.

"What's the magic word?" Savanna asks Auston.

"Por Favor" Auston says giving Savanna a kiss.

"Yuck" Mitch says "I guess I lost my appetite" Savanna rolls her eyes as Auston gives Mitch a shove.

"So Will who are you taking to Sydney's party?" Ella asks Will.

"Weslyn" Will says as Mitch suddenly starts choking on air.

"Weslyn and Will finally" Auston says taking a sip of his drink.

"What?" Will was obviously clueless.

Weslyn whispers something in his ear so Will could understand.

"Oh" Will starts laughing along "Dumbasses"


"Hey guys!" Sydney greets Ella and Jacob "Come in!"

"Hey Syd!" Ella replies back as she enters her house.

"Just saying the drinks are at the bar over there" Sydney pointed to the bar where Auston and Savanna were.

"Ella!" Savanna drunkly called her name out.

"Drunk already?? It's only 9pm" Ella greeted her with a hug.

"I know but I couldn't help it" Savanna said.

"Where's the others?" Ella asked.

"Weslyn and Will are in the kitchen talking to Matt and Morgan and Mitch is on the couch along with Steph" Auston explained.

"Ugh making out again, this makes me sick" Ella said looking at Mitch and Steph making out.

"Why do you care?" Jacob asked Ella.

"Because he is literally doing this just to get back at me" Ella said before realizing what she said.

"Why would he get back at you?" Jacob curiously asked.

"Nothing, babe lets get some food" Ella grabbed Jacob's hand and dragged him to the kitchen.

"Did you see that" Savanna asked Auston.

"Yup, Ella is jealous" Auston said.

"I have an idea" Savanna said "Mitch!!"

Mitch excused himself and went up to Savanna.

"What?" Mitch said.

"Can you get me some water, I don't feel good" Savanna lied.

"Why can't Auston do that?" Mitch asked.

"Oh I don't feel good" Savanna exaggerated and fake fainted on Auston.

Mitch went to the kitchen to grab Savanna some water.

He stopped when he saw Ella and Jacob there.

"Jacob that's too much food" Ella said oblivious that Mitch was watching.

"Nothing is never too much" Jacob joked giving Ella a kiss on her cheek.

Mitch went back to the couple.

"Sorry Savanna I couldn't get your water, Ella and Jacob were in the way" Mitch said.

"Mitch you sound jealous" Auston pointed out.

"I'm not jealous I just don't like them, together " Mitch mumbled walking back over to Steph.

"He's totally jealous" Savanna said.


The DJ puts on some music as everyone begins to dance.

Mitch and Steph make their way to the dance floor.

Mitch puts his arms around Steph, he smirked knowing that Ella was watching.

"Jacob let's dance" Ella put down her drink and dragged Jacob to the dance floor.

Ella gets closer to Mitch and Steph, she starts to dance with Jacob.

Mitch tightens his grip around Steph.

Ella noticed that and pulled herself into Jacob's chest.

Mitch pulls Steph into a kiss right in front of Ella.

Ella leans in for a kiss too.

Jacob knew what was going on and he had enough of this.

"OKAY I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!" Jacob yelled dodging Ella's lips.

"What?" Ella asked.

"I know what you're doing!" Jacob said getting everyone's attention.

"You two are so in love with each other! You are using Steph and I just so you guys can forget about each other!" Jacob said as he faces Steph "Steph I'm so sorry but you have to know the truth that you have been oblivious to. Mitch and Ella are like soulmates, they never admit it but they're".

Jacob then turns back to Ella.

"Ella I used to think you and I were meant for each other until Mitch came into the picture"

"But Jacob I love you" Ella said before getting cut off by Jacob.

"No! You used to love me, you're now in love with him" Jacob points to Mitch.

"Honestly i'm so done with being used! WE'RE OVER!" Jacob grabs his jacket and walks out.

Ella starts to feel the tears go down her cheek as the feeling of embarrassment gets to her.

"Ella" Savanna walks up to her.

But before Savanna can get to her Ella walks out the door.

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