• real life •

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                    January 22 2017

"Is she gone?" Weslyn asked the boys as she peeked around the corner.

"Yeah she just left a couple minutes ago why?" Mitch asked.

Weslyn comes out carrying a huge binder full of papers.

"Savanna's surprise birthday party" William reads out the label.

"Her birthday is on February 8th so we have a lot of time to plan but since you guys are going on a road trip, might as well do it now so I can organize everything" Weslyn Explains to the boys.

"Did you contact Ella by any chance?" Auston asked Weslyn as she immediately frowns.

"Tried to, she never answered" Weslyn said.

"If we have this party I know Savanna is going to be crushed that Ella wasn't there" Auston said.

"Yeah well with or without Ella we know this party is going to be fun!" Willy says as they hear a knock on the door.

"Oh I kinda invited someone here" Weslyn says as Willy answers the door.

"Jacob!" Willy says.

"Hey" Jacob awkwardly says as he enters the apartment.

"Thanks for coming" Weslyn says.

"Anything to help Savanna. She has been there ever since I started dating Ella, this is the least I can do" Jacob says.

"Hahaha" Mitch begins to laugh.

"Mitch what the hell?" Auston says slapping the boy on the shoulder.

"Sorry Steph sent me this funny text" Mitch says.

"Hey I want to meet Steph, she seems like a nice girl" Weslyn says.

"Um she's on her way so we can go out, i'll tell her to come up" Mitch says.

"Um Jacob can go over to my place with Auston to bring over the box with more plans in it?" Weslyn handed him her keys.

"Sure" He said as he and Auston left the apartment.

"Why did we invite Jacob?" William asked Weslyn.

"Because he knows Savanna pretty well, he could be useful" Weslyn explained as she looks through the binder.

There was a knock on the door.

"She's here!" Mitch says getting up and opening the door.

"Hey" Steph enters the apartment.

"Hey come in" Mitch greets her giving her a hug.

"Steph meet my friends William and Weslyn" Mitch said.

"Hi!! Are you two an item?" Steph asked.

"Me and him?" Weslyn said as she and William both laughed,

"Ew!" They both said.

"Oh Mitch I want you to try this drink" Steph held up a drink.

Mitch takes it and takes a sip.

"Delicious!" Mitch says taking another sip of it.

"This box is heavy!" Auston says as he and Jacob come back in.

"Sorry" Weslyn says.

"Oh guys meet Steph!" Mitch says to the two boys.

"Steph?" Jacob called out.

"Jacob?" Steph said back.

"What are you doing here?" They both said at the same time.

"You two know each other?" Auston asks.

"Yeah we're cousins" Steph says as every looks at Mitch.

Mitch looks like he just witnessed someone getting murdered.

"Hello earth to Mitch!" Weslyn waved her hands in front of Mitch getting no response from him.

Mitch suddenly falls backwords with William catching him.

"I think he's surprised" William says as he tries to hold up a passed out Mitch.

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