• real life •

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                  December 31 2016

The night was full of partying.

The girls place was packed with everyone from the Leafs, wags and some of their own friends.

Ella was having a small talk with Sydney and Will in the corner before Auston came up to them carrying Savanna.

"Help me" Auston desperately said.

Will, Sydney and Ella laughed at the sight of Savanna passed out on Auston.

"She's drunk, tell me where her room is" Auston said.

"But if she sleeps she's going to miss the countdown" Sydney says.

"I'll just stay with her" Auston said trying to hold Savanna up.

"What a nice boyfriend" Will said.

"Her room?" Auston asked Savanna as Ella excused herself and directed Auston to her room.

"Just place her down on the bed" Ella said turning the light switch on.

Auston placed Savanna down eventually taking a seat next to her.

"I'll leave you two to it" Ella said as she turned around to exit.

"Ella!" Auston said making Ella face him.

"Happy New Years!" Auston said with the biggest grin.

"Aw Happy New Years to you and your drunk girlfriend" Ella replied back as she left the room.


Ella turned around and saw Jacob standing at the front door.

She rolled her eyes, she has no time for a jealous boyfriend right now.

"Ella i'm so sorry for ignoring you lately. I've been a big jerk assuming things, please forgive me?" Jacob pleaded.

Ella was hesitant but she understood where he was coming from.

"Fine i'm giving you a second chance and one chance only" Ella said taking his hand.


Everyone gathered around the tv, watching the annual New Years Eve countdown.

"Hey where's Mitch?" Ella asked Will.

"Um last time I saw him he said he was going out for some fresh air" Will replied, holding his champagne glass.

"How long ago was this?" Ella asked.

"Just a couple seconds ago, you could still catch him" Will asked.

"Jacob i'll be right back" Ella told her boyfriend.

"Okay but be quick, it's almost time" Jacob said as Ella rushed out the door.

Ella went outside the building and saw Mitch leaning on a wall looking at the empty streets.

"Hey" Ella said as Mitch turned around.

"What are you doing here?" Ella walked closer to Mitch.

"Getting some fresh air" Mitch replied.

"The countdown is starting soon" Ella pointed back inside.

"I think i'll just stay out here, I'm not in the mood" Mitch said quietly.

"Mitch what's wrong?" Ella asked him.

"Nothing" Mitch lied.

"Mitch i'm your friend, I know when something is not right" Ella said knowing that he was lying.

Something Ella doesn't know is that Mitch said her and Jacob together which broke his heart.

He told Will that he was getting some air but in reality he just didn't want to face Ella.

"Just sucks that your heart breaks when you see someone you like be with someone else" Mitch mumbled.


The countdown was starting, Ella knew she had no time to go back up there.


"Mitch" Ella started to say.


"What?" He asked.


"I-I um" Ella started to stutter.


Mitch just looked at Ella weirdly.


Ella looked at Mitch.


Ella looked from his eyes to his lips.


Ella bit her lip.


Ella took a deep breathe.


Ella crashed her lips onto Mitch's.

Mitch was surprised but kissed Ella back.


Ella and Mitch broke apart.

"Oh god!" Ella said knowing she made a big mistake.

Ella started to run back inside.

"Ella!?" Mitch called her.

"Oh um Happy New Years!" Ella said as she ran back inside the building.

Mitch smiled at her before looking back onto the streets.

He just kissed a girl that he LIKES.

No he just kissed a girl he LOVES.

Ella made her way back inside.

She entered her apartment and found Jacob.

"Baby i'm so sorry, the elevator took forever" Ella lied to Jacob.

"I'm sad you missed it but it's good that you're back" Jacob gave her a kiss.

"I have to use the restroom" Ella said making her way to the nearest restroom.

Ella locked the door and sat on the toilet.

She felt like she made the biggest mistake of her life, cheating on Jacob.

One thing still made her confused.

Why did the kiss feel right??

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