• real life •

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                     February 5 2017

Ella was sitting on a bench in front of her school reading a book.

This was her usually routine, she would sit outside reading a book 30 minutes before class started.

Ella siding really have friends nor did she talk to people.

She only talks to her professor and they guy that always asks for a pencil in class.

To be honest Ella missed her friends back in Toronto.

She has been distancing herself from them hoping she would just focus on school but it just made her miss them more.

Maybe moving all the way to New York was a bad idea but this is something she has to do.

The first bell ring, Ella put her book away and started making her way to class.

Ella took her seat at the front like she usually does.

The professor walks in with his laptop.

"Good morning class!" He says as the class responds back.

The guy that sits next to Ella runs in the classroom late as always.

"Nice for you to join us Louis" The professor says as you can hear lots of chatter coming from the other students.

Louis takes his seat from the front.

"Your pencil" Ella quickly says knowing what he was going to ask.

As the class went on Ella just kept thinking about her friends.

Missing Savanna.

Missing Weslyn.

Missing William.

Missing Jacob.

Missing Auston.

Missing Mitch.

Ella really missed Mitch, wondering what would've happened if she stayed in Toronto.

The bell rung and everyone got up.

"Hey Ella can I talk to you?" The professor asked.

"What's up Professor?" Ella asked.

"I've noticed that your mark has gotten lower, anything bothering you?" He asked.

"Nothing" Ella lied.

"Ella..." The professor trailed off.

"I just been feeling homesick, I feel like I don't belong and I don't think I would ever belong here" Ella says realizing what she said.

"Ella I know that feeling, i've been there" The professor said.

"I love New York and I love Toronto" Ella said thinking things over in her head.

"If you want to do better, do what you feel would make you feel better. Follow your heart" The professor said patting her on the shoulder.

"Thanks for the advice" Ella said grabbing her things and walking out the door.

"Oh Ella?" Ella turned around.

"Take care!" He said as Ella gave him a confused look.

Ella walked out and looked back at the school.

"Follow your heart" The professor's words kept playing in her head.

Maybe he was right, Ella has to follow her heart.

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