Chapter 4 ~~ The Abandoned College

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(Y/N)'s POV

The New Zealand trip flew by quickly. More quickly than I had expected. We were on one of our last few days in New Zealand. In a few days we would be heading home. Finally, I would be able to sleep in the bed Colby and I shared. Even though I've already been back to LA I didn't have time to go home and unpack my clothes and the things I brought back from Canada. We had to take a plane to New Zealand like an hour after I got to LA. Anyways back to the present, today well tonight we will be going to explore an abandoned college. It's abandoned because of a Earthquake happens then it will fall down. We're just hanging in the RV for the next few hours until it gets dark then we'll start the video and go explore. A few hours pass and it's dark outside now.

"Is everyone ready?" Elton asks going out side with the camera and tripod.

"Yep!" We answer and head out of the RV too.

"Alright.." Elton says setting up the tripod and camera. We all get in a makeshift line.

"Ready in 3...2...1.... " Elton says and starts recording.

"What's up guys it's us back at it again..." Colby says and I laugh.

"Anyways guys besides (Y/N) laughing we're going to try and explore the abandoned college nearby.." Elton says.

"Yep and we might get arrested if we get caught.." Sam says.

"Corey didn't want to do this but he has to since he already used his 1 skip this trip on the first day he got here." Elton says.

"Haha very funny Elton.." Corey states sarcastically.

"Alright we should probably stop talking loudly so we don't pull attention to ourselves." Colby says and Elton grabs the camera. We start walking towards the college.

"So care to explain to the viewers why the college is abandoned (Y/N)?" Elton asks.

"Sure. Well anyways this college is abandoned because of the fact that if an earthquake occurs it is most likely going to fall down" I answer.

"Thus why it got closed down because of safety issues." I continue.

"Also we don't know what will happen if we get caught because we don't live in New Zealand." Elton says.

"Well we'll find out if we do get caught." Sam says. We get to the side of the school.

"Damn this looks like some Hogwarts shit." I say.

"It does doesn't it?" Colby says and we all nod. We go up some stairs and around the corner of a building. We get to a gate that says no trespassing on it and says infer red cameras in use.

"Welp once we go over there's possibly no turning back." Elton says.

"Screw it." I say and climb over the fence. Everyone but Corey climbs over.

"Dude aren't you coming?" Colby asked.

"Bro this can get us in jail or fined. Or even shot. I'm not risking it." Corey says.

"Fine here's the keys." Elton says tossing them over the fence and Corey catches them. We go our separate ways and continue walking. We get to the front of the school.

"Definitely is some Hogwarts shit. Looks amazing." I say and everyone nods. We walk to the middle of the street and look for a possible place to get in.

"We could try and go through the front door but that's basically suicide." Elton says.

"There will be infer red cameras all over the front door." I say. After about a few minutes a skater guy skates up to us.

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