Chapter 11 ~~ Finally Home

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(Y/N)'s POV

I wake up feeling relaxed and refreshed in my own bed for once. Now I can just be calm at home and not have to worry about losing my passport every 5 seconds. I look up at Colby and see he's still sleeping. That reminds me I probably shouldn't forget to plan our wedding. Imagine 10 years go by and I still keep forgetting to plan it. Yeah, that would be bad if I just waited 10 years to marry Colby because I forgot to plan our wedding. I look at my wedding ring which is on the night stand. I take it off before I go to bed so I don't cut Colby or myself while we sleep. I look back at Colby and see he's starting to open his eyes.

"Morning Beautiful." Colby says in a low groggily morning voice.

"Good morning to you too..." I say in a low morning voice that sounds a bit cracky. I mean it's me so of course my voice is going to crack in the morning. Colby kisses me and I giggle a little.

"Let's just stay home today and relax.." Colby says which is a surprise.

"Wow Mr. Brock wants to stay home today instead of going anywhere?" I ask a bit confused.

"Yep and I want to spend it with you... future Mrs. Brock..." Colby answers and my face turns a bit red.

"Okayy.." I say looking at the time. It's 11:34 am. I kiss Colby and then I grab my phone. I take a selfie of Colby and I, and post it on my story on Snap Chat. I put my phone on the nightstand and Colby pulls me into a kiss. Colby smirks while kissing me. I feel Colby put his hand on the floor and grab his camera. He points it at us and we pull away.


"Oh my god Colby! Why'd you bring me into it." I say a bit embarrassed. We both laugh. He shuts off his camera and sets it on the ground.

"Now where were we?" I ask.

"Oh I know..." Colby says pulling me into a kiss again. We make out and end up watching Netflix for the rest of the day.


Sorry for the short chapter I was being lazy and also I just forgot to write. Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter even if it was a bit short. I've been busy with finals lately for school so I haven't really had time to write but I'm still trying to get updates out every 2 or 3 days. Okay I'll leave you guys but I need to tell you guys so you guys know that this story doesn't have a happy ending. So yeah prepare for the ending to be sad. But we still have a while before the book ends. Anyways....

PEACE! ~~ Zesty Out! 512 words...

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