Chapter 6 ~~ Birthday Party Part 1

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* 2 weeks later

(Y/N)'s POV

Today is my birthday, the day I turn 20 and I'm closer to being able to drink. Anyways I'm not even expecting anything special, I might just stay in and watch some Netflix. I'm at Liza's newish house, she's editing a video that we did together for her channel. We also made a video for my channel which will come out in like 1 or 2 weeks because I have other videos prepared so I'll upload hem before I upload the one with Liza. It's 5:30 pm right now and I haven't seen Colby at all today because I had a sleepover with Liza. Colby not anyone but Liza has called me or talked to me and said happy birthday. Maybe people forgot, I mean I'll be butt hurt if they did. Especially if Colby forgets, he should know. I get interrupted from my thought when I hear Liza tap me on the shoulder.

"Are you gonna head home now? I'm going to go to David's so I can't leave you here." Liza says in a funny voice as always.

I laugh, "Alright have fun with your man." I say and get up and grab my stuff.

"Bye (Y/N)!" Liza yells as I'm going down the stairs.

"Bye Liza! I had a fun time!" I yell as I'm about to open the door.

"Me too!" Liza yells.

"Come back again!" Liza yells in her Jeff voice.

"I will!" I yell and close door after I go outside of her apartment. I got to my Lamborghini/car and get in. I call Colby and he answers.

On the Phone:

Colby: "Hello?"

Me: "Hey Colby"

Colby: "hey babe"

Me: "I'm just about to leave Liza's house,"

Colby: "Alright when you get home can you help me with a video?"

Me: "Uh I thought you had something else to tell me."

Colby: "Nope... why?"

Me: "Just forget it I'll be home in 20 minutes..."

I hung up immediately without saying I love you or goodbye. Did Colby seriously forget my birthday. Wow of all people I thought he would've remembered. I turn on the ignition to my car and start heading home. I get home and see that everyone's cars are home. Strange because everyone but Corey, Colby, Devyn and I are supposed to be the only ones home. I get out of my car, grab my purse and keys, and lock my car. I walk slowly up to the door to make sure no ones going to smack me in the face with a pie. I try opening the door but it's locked which is unusual. I unlock the door and see people doing the manic-an challenge. There's a big banner hanging above the door to the outside doors saying, "Happy Birthday (Y/N)!". I walk into the kitchen past a few people and see there's a birthday cake saying in frosting, "Happy Birthday (Y/N)! Finally 20!" I laugh. I feel someone cover my eyes and I hear footsteps go to right in front of me. When the person takes away their hands I see it was Colby who was the one that covered them. Everyone else is standing right in front of me or around me because there isn't enough room in the kitchen for so many people. Corey lights the candles and Elton records us. They all sing happy birthday to me but in a funky version so Elton doesn't get copyrighted. Everyone cheers and claps.

"Alright PARTTYYYYY!" I yell and everyone "Wooo!"s. Everyone goes outside and the music starts playing. Everyone but Colby comes up to me and says happy birthday. I go upstairs to get my swimming suit on and Colby follows me.

"Babe why are you going with me? I'm just going to change into my bikini..." I say.

"I like seeing the shape of your body in a bikini especially when you move." Colby says flirtatiously and I blush. We go into our room, and Colby takes off his shirt and lays on the bed in his swimming trunks. I change and catch a few glimpses of Colby peeking.

"Come one lets go birthday girl, you're missing the party that's meant for you.." Colby says.

"Alright lets go.. " I say back to him. We walk to the door and as I'm about to open it I feel Colby grab my wrist. He turns me around so I face him. I try not to keep eye contact with him but he lifts my chin with his hand making me look at him right in the eyes.

"What's wrong babe?" Colby asks.

"Nothing..." I answer even though it was something. He never said happy to me when I was at Liza's  or up to my face.

"Baby is it because I never said happy birthday to you?" He asks.

"Yeah.." I answer a little butt hurt.

"Well there's a reason that I didn't say it yet... but it's because I wanted to save it for when I gave you the present I got for you..." Colby says.

"Oh.." I say.

"Yeah.." he says moving a hair behind my ear with his free hand.

"You don't have to give it to me until present time..." I say.

"Alright.." Colby says and we hear a knock at the door. I open the door and see it's Corey.

"Come on you two, Colby can't hold you all to himself. People want to see the birthday girl." Corey laughs.

"Fine..." Colby says and I laugh.


So I decided to leave this chapter on a cliff hanger because I'm lazy so I'm releasing what I have and then I release part 2 in a few days. Anyways guys I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

PEACE! ~~ Zesty Out! 971 words...

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