Chapter Fifteen: What I Want Most

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The next morning the boys and I sit in the Great Hall eating breakfast before classes begin. James was telling a couple fourth year boys about how he 'heroically saved Lily after she fell down the stairs'. Remus was rolling his eyes at James and interrupted him,"you didn't save her James, you're the reason she fell and you just carried her to the hospital wing after." The boys listening to James' story laughed as James threw his sausage at Remus,"I did too! And she practically fell in love with me on the was to Madam Pomfrey!"

Remus shook his head and picked up the sausage James threw at his and put it in a napkin. "More like you practically dropped her." James looked offended by Remus' accusation. "I didn't drop her! My arm just slipped a little cause I was shocked when she declared her love for me! Well, I always knew it would happen but I didn't except it right then of course." I laughed at James obvious lie. I didn't need to be there to know that that didn't happen. "Or maybe you almost dropped her cause you're weak," I stated, smiling at James. James glared at me while Peter spoke up,"or maybe she's fat!"

With that James stood up and held a fork threateningly at Peter while I spit my pumpkin juice halfway across the table, almost showering Remus. The fourth year boys and I burst out laughing and even Remus let out a chuckle. Peter probably would have been laughing too if James hadn't been holding a fork to his neck. "Don't speak about my Lily Flower like that! She's not fat!"

And with that James swiftly put his fork down and grabbed his bag. "I'm going to visit her in the hospital instead of listen to you insult her!" James left the table and the boys and I decided to follow him. Lily wasn't able to leave the hospital wing until tomorrow as she was suffering a concussion. James had been moping most of the night after he had returned from the hospital wing.

We entered the hospital wing and found Lily at a bed near the front. She was awake but laying back against a stack of pillows propping her up. James immediately rushed to her side. "Lily!" Lily groaned and pulled the sheets above her head. "Go away, Potter," she mumbled under the sheets. James quickly pulled the sheets down, messing up Lily's hair. "Good morning Lily Flower," James said in a bright, cheery tone. Lily grabbed her head and groaned,"stop it Potter. My head still hurts, thanks to you." To everyone's surprise, James let go of the sheets and backed away slightly," I'm sorry about last night Lily. I didn't mean to hurt you." James raked his fingers through his hair and Remus raised his eyebrows in surprise. James sincerely apologizing was not something you heard very often.

Lily didn't say anything back but glanced around the room to avoid looking at James. I caught her eye and winked at her just like she did to me last night when I was talking to Remus. Lily gave a quick smile before hiding it and I swear I saw her blush. But before I could be sure it was gone and Lily spoke up,"you should be going.  Classes are going to start soon." Remus nodded saying,"she's right lads, we better go." Remus turned to leave and James hesitantly followed along with Peter.

"Bye love! I'll come visit you during lunch!" James called loudly as he made his exit. I started to follow the boys before Lily stopped me. "So how did talking to Remus go last night?" I sighed, pulling my hair out of my face. "Well I didn't tell him how I feel if that's what you mean. We barely even got to talk before James chased after you." Lily shook her head and frowned at the mention of James. "Well that's a start anyway. Try talking to him tonight. You and Remus should have some time alone. James is bound to come visit me again tonight and where James goes, Peter follows." I nod my head at her words.

"I'm just not sure if I'm ready to tell him. I mean, me and Marlene just broke up. Wouldn't Remus just think I'm using him as a rebound?" Lily thought for a minute,"you and Marlene were never that serious of a couple. You weren't that hurt when she broke up with you were you?" I shake my head agreeing with her. "I don't think Remus with see it that way, but if it you need more time then take it. You don't need to rush into this if you're not ready."

"Yeah, you're right," there was a moment of silence following my statement before I finally spoke up again," you know how you told me that Remus and I even each other out?" I asked Lily. Lily sat up taller in her bed and slowly nodded her head. "Well, I think it's the same for you and James,"I smile at her and she rolls her eyes at me. "And why do you think that?" I thought about her question for a minute before replying. "Because you, like Remus, are level-headed and smart so you can keep James from doing stupid things," Lily laughed a little at that and I continued," and James, like me, is reckless and makes stupid decisions so he would make you have fun and do more with your life then get good grades." I finish and Lily looked at me like she's slightly impressed. "Well, that's besides the point really. What matters is you and Remus not James and I."

I shake my head at her and laugh,"whatever you gotta tell yourself. I bet you ten galleons that by the time we leave Hogwarts, you and James with be dating." Lily laughed at my statement and says,"well I bet you ten galleons that you and Remus will be together by Christmas." I laughed and was about to reply when Madam Pomfrey stormed over,"Black! You are late for class and ms. Evans needs to rest!" I start to head to the door with a sigh,"okay, okay. I'm going. Bye Evans." Lily waves as I leave and I head to my first class.

I walk through the hallways, passing a few stray students who are also late for class, when I hear a familiar voice. "I just received a letter from my father this morning," said the boy in Slytherin robes who I knew all too well," he's going to buy me a new broom for getting on the quidditch team this year." Another Slytherin boy replied,"isn't your brother on the quidditch team too?" Regulus waved his hand dismissively,"for Gryffindor, yes. But I didn't skip class to talk about my brother. Anyway, he was so proud that I got on the team, he always knew I would, that he decided to buy me the latest model. He's been practicing with me all summer. He says that-"

I quickly walk past my brother and his friend not wanting to hear any more of the conversation. Not once did my father say he was proud of me. He never bought me a broom for getting on the quidditch team. He never practiced quidditch with me. He was never a father to me. As I walked away I felt anger but I also felt something else. I felt empty, like I was missing something. The something I wanted most.

A real family.

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