Chapter Twenty: Explanations

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My head is spinning. I have so many questions to ask Marlene. How did this happen? Why didn't she tell me sooner? The last time I remember having sex with her was last June, that would make her about four and a half months pregnant. How is she not showing by now?

I find myself frozen on the edge of Remus' hospital bed. Do I go after her? What do I say to Remus? The tense silence ended with Remus speaking up,"you should go after her." He sounds hurt as he suggests this and as much as I want to stay with him I know I need to talk to Marlene. I nod and get up from the bed. "Remus, I'm sorry. I..." Remus cuts me off with a wave of his hand. "It's fine, just go." He looks down at his hands and I turn to leave the hospital wing,"I'll see you after dinner." Remus nods his head as he looks up at me.

I leave the hospital wing and try to find Marlene. She seems to have disappeared and before I can find her it's time for afternoon classes to start. I trudge to potions and take my usual seat at the back next to James. I see Marlene come in and I grab her arm as she walks by,"what the- Sirius! What are you doing?" She exclaims as I pull her towards me. "We need to talk," she nods her head with a sigh and turns to James. "Switch me seats," James seems taken aback by her demand and is about to make a retort when I intervene. "Please, Prongs? I need to talk to her," I give him a serious look and he shakes his head and moves to Marlene's seat.

Marlene sits down next to me and I take control of the conversation, not wanting it to go in the wrong direction. "How long have you known?" I ask her quietly as Professor Slughorn starts the lesson. Marlene thinks for a moment before answering,"since about July." July?! How has she kept this from me that long?

"July? Why didn't you bloody tell me sooner?" I whispered unable to believe she kept this from me that long. Marlene nodded and started to explain,"I wasn't sure what you would think of it. I was scared and thought you would break up with me once you found out." I grabbed a fistful of hair in frustration and leaned my head over the desk, supporting myself with an elbow. "But then you broke up with me! Why didn't you tell me then?" I looked up at her and saw that she looked guilty, probably from keeping this from me for so long. "Because I was mad at you and then you wouldn't talk to me." I consider her answer and I honestly can't be too mad at her, considering how fucked up our relationship has been, this doesn't come as a surprise.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, but I want things to be better between us. Sirius, this baby can't grow up without a dad." I stare at Marlene as if she's gone mental. "The baby's not going to grow up without a dad, Marlene. You honestly think I would do that to my own kid?"

"Our kid, and I don't know. I wasn't sure how you'd react to this." I lean back in my seat and ask the next question on my never-ending list. "How are you not showing? Aren't you supposed to be getting bigger?" Marlene rolls her eyes at the statement,"I cast a spell to hide my stomach. My parents don't know yet and I don't want the whole school knowing." I cast her an unsure look, is that even possible? I've never heard of such a spell.

"How many people know?" I ask as Marlene starts to take notes off the board. I completely ignore the lesson as Marlene answers," besides you and Remus? Only Lily and my sister and I plan on keeping it that way." Marlene casts me a threatening look,"don't tell anyone and make sure Remus doesn't either."

"Whatever, wasn't planning on it." I see James across the room looking at me curiously and I roll my eyes and gesture to Marlene with my head. James lets out a laugh and mimics stabbing her with a knife. I chuckle lightly and shake my head at James. I turn back to Marlene and ask,"so have you been to a healer yet?"

"I've been going to a muggle doctor since I found out and my sisters been taking me. I've been flooing out of Dumbledores office since I got to school," she explains as she finishes up her notes. That makes sense why the boys and I saw her go into Dumbledores office that one day. Wait...what was that one thing she said when she came out? I try to remember as class wraps up.

"Wait, what were you talking about that one day you came out of Dumbledores office?" Marlene looks surprised at my question,"what?" She turns to me and thinks a bit before she figures it out,"were you following me?" I nod and ignore her angry look as I explain myself,"you weren't telling me what was going on, so yeah, I followed you."

Marlene shakes her head and gets up and puts her notes away in her bag. "So you'll follow me but you wouldn't talk to me?" I get up as well and we start to leave the room together as I answer,"that's not that point, what were you talking about? Something about a guy?" Marlene shakes her head and starts to clarify,"no, I was talking-"

"Padfoot! Pete and I were talking about going to see Remus again after supper and-" James cuts himself off as he sees Marlene glare at him. "Did I say something?" I shake my head and Marlene storms off. Great, there go the rest of the explanations I need.

I shake the thought from my head and turn to James. I can worry about Marlene later. "So we're going to see Remus?" I ask trying not to have James question me about Marlene. "Yeah, right after History of Magic. I was thinking we could cheer him up with some sweets from Honeydukes. I still have some from last time we went." I nod my head,"yeah sounds great Prongs. Maybe we can check him out a couple books from the library too. I bet he'd like that." James and I agree to meet in the hospital wing after I grab some books from the library and James grabs his sweets from our room.


I check out about five books from the library before I head to the hospital wing. My stomach starts to growl as I realize I haven't eaten all day. On my way to meet with James and Peter to see Remus I start to think about the kiss we shared. It was definitely not what I was expecting and I'm so glad it happened, but at the same time it confused things.

For the first time today it really hit me, I'm going to be a father. How would this affect Remus and my relationship? What even are Remus and I? I barely spoke to him after we kissed. And what's going to happen with Marlene and I? How can I be a father without being with Marlene? Should I be with Marlene? Questions and concerns cloud my mind as I enter the hospital wing. I try to push aside these thoughts as I approach James who's already there talking to Madam Pomfrey.

"What do you mean he's gone?!" James shouted angrily. "He was sent to St. Mungos this afternoon. I'm sorry but for now I cannot give out any further information."

I stop in my tracks taking in what Madam Pomfrey just said. What happened to Remus?


Hey guys! I was thinking about doing a chapter in a different POV. Maybe Remus or Marlene? Please comment and tell me if you want a different POV or else I will probably just stick with Sirius'. Thanks!

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