Secrets We Keep

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 Hello my peeps! Here is another story. Yes another cause my head is full of ideas I want to share with all of you! I hope you like it and please tell me what you think of it!


“You won’t get away Lucinda.” He taunted and I shook my head in denial. His voice was sickly with happiness, happiness that came from my pain and sorrows I have suffered my time here with him.

“Leave me alone Lucian!” I cried out, the tears spilling down my bruised cheeks. I suddenly felt a shadow covered the light coming from the light bulb and I looked up.

There he was, my supposed to be brother looking down at me with dark expression.The person that has been in every special moment in my life, my brother, my twin.  His blue eyes were filled with hate and amusement, probably cause by seeing my pain. I couldn’t believe he had turned in to this, in to monster. All he craved was power and he would do anything to get it, even if it meant killing a family member.

I felt the point of my knife run down my cheek and I let out a hiss when I felt it leave behind a cut. The sudden sting was felt all over me and I closed my eyes, wishing to be somewhere else, somewhere safe.

“I know you want to leave already this place. You crave it, don’t you Lucy?” He chuckled. “You must missed mom and dad, who are looking for you like crazy wondering where their little princess is.” He sighed in the end, taking the blade away.

“I really don’t get it you know? How could you have been born before me? It’s absurd!” He laughed and I squeezed my eyes even tighter.

“You have to accept the things the way they are Lucian. There is nothing you can do to change it.” I murmured and he growled.

“You don’t get it do you? It was supposed to be me! I should had trained to become and warrior! I should have been the one destined to the throne! Not you!” He screamed and stabbed the blade in to my stomach.

I gasped and grasped his shoulder, lifting my face so it was on his shoulder. My breathing got more difficult with each breath. The blade was still inserted in to me and the pain it left was… like taking little by little my energy to bared it.

My blood was flowing out of the wound like a river, staining my short plus his too. I could feel the heartbeat in his chest beating normally while mine was beating erratically.

He grabbed my chin forcefully and made me look up at him. Our identical eyes connected and the knife he held with his other hand suddenly moved.

“The throne will be mine Lucinda, even if I have to kill you.”He growled and sank the knife even further.

Chapter one

“Lucy, are you ready for school?” My aunt Megan asked from downstairs.

I groaned in to my pillow and closed my eyes once again. Why did she have to torture me like this? Was living with her not enough? Sure I love her with all my heart but she was way too strict and uptight. I mean, how could a 24 year old not have a boyfriend or even go party like everyone else. Instead, she worked 24/7 and never had a break, plus now she had to look out for me like she likes to call it.

“Listen young lady, if you are not ready when I get up there you are going to be in so much trouble!” She screamed and I jumped off the bed. One thing that is very important is that you have to take my aunt’s threat seriously like one time she said that if I didn’t hurry up to go to a doctor’s appointment she was going to hauled me out of the house by the ear and she did it. My right ear hurt for a whole week, that’s how tight he pinching was.

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