Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

It was very late at night and the party was at full swing right now. There weren’t any children running around like earlier and that was relief. Now everyone had a plastic cup filled with beer and alcohol. I have been very quiet and kept out of people’s way when they bump in to me or pushed me which I would get irritated sometimes.

I was at the back yard sitting on one of the pool chairs looking up at the sky. It was clear and there wasn’t even a cloud in sight so the stars were the ones stealing the show tonight. I had a cup filled with beer next to me that one pack member gave me earlier but hadn’t even drunk a drop form it, plus it must be warm now.

“What are you doing out here all along.” I heard a husky voice say and I turned to look at who it was.

“I’m not much of a party person.” I shrugged my shoulders. I have never been much in to parties that was my… brother’s specialty.

I felt him sit beside me. “You know, this party is in your arrival to the pack.” He frowned looking at me with his brown colored eyes.

I shrugged. “I know but they didn’t really need to do that.”

“Samuel King, but call me Sam.” He introduced himself raising his hand.

“Lucinda Price, but call me Luce.” I chuckled and shook his hand. It felt rough and smooth at the same time and was really warm.

“So pretty lady, would you care to tell me more about yourself?” He asked sweetly and I giggled.

“Well, I consider myself a princess.”I chuckled and he moved closer.

“Can I be your prince?”

“Nope” I shrugged and his shoulders sagged but then straightened again.

“Can I be your friend?” He asked happily.

I chuckled. “Yes, you can be my friend.”

“Yes!” He pumped his fist in the air and I laughed. He was so cute!

He got up from the chair and pulled me up too. We entered the house and went in to the kitchen were some teenagers were doing body shots and doing drinking contest. The whole kitchen smelled of pure alcohol and was making my nose hurt, a lot.

“What are we doing here?” I asked Sam and he pulled two beers from the refrigerator. He handed me one and started to drink his.

“We are here my dear Luce to live life a little. Now start drinking girl!” He exclaimed and went back to drinking his beer.

I stared at him with wide eyes and opened my beer. “Why does the Alpha allow this?”

“Because the alcohol doesn’t affect our bodies so much and he likes that the pack members drink here instead than to go to normal clubs because we could get in trouble and reveal ourselves.” He explained and I nodded taking a sip from the beer. Its nasty taste went down my throat and slightly burned it.

“Didn’t like it?” He asked seeing the look on my face.

“How can you people drink this stuff?” I asked disgusted.

“We’re use to it.” He shrugged and grabbed my hand again, dragging towards everyone was dancing. Everyone was keeping up with beat of the music, grinding against each other.

I started to pull away from Sam’s grip. “I don’t want to dance Sam.”

“Come one Luce, don’t be such a party pooper.” He teased and I shook my head.

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