Chapter 6

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Enjoy! Not Edited. :)

 Chapter 6

We arrived at a very nice two story house which was filled with cars and people around it. We could hear from all the way here the blasting music and I wondered why the neighbors still haven’t complained about the noise. I would have done it, honestly.

We got out of the car and heavy scents of liquor and cigar was making me feel queasy. We started to walk towards the house and some people were looking our way with curiosity in their eyes.

Sam grabbed my hand and we stopped walking. “Just ignore them Luce.” He whispered so I was the only one that could hear him and nodded, starting to walk again.

I noticed that most people here where humans and only a couple of shifter were present. We entered the house and the pounding of the music reached my ears making me slightly winced of how loud that music really was. How could the others stand this?

“Hey, are you okay?” I heard Sam asked over the music, the worry was evident in his voice.

“I’m fine.” I lied smoothly. “Now, stop worrying about me and go party my friend.” I smiled brightly and he laughed. Suddenly, I saw a skinny arm wrap itself around Sam’s muscled one.

“Care to dance?” The blonde bimbo asked Sam, fluttering her lashed ridiculously. Sam turned to me and gave me the puppy dog face.

I sighed. “See you later, but don’t get drunk because you’re my ride home.”

He gave me a smirk and then turned around to walk away with the bimbo clinging to him. I watched him until I couldn’t see him through the sea of bodies and walked away. I started to wander around the house, looking at the family photos and paintings when I heard some shouting coming from the end of the hall.

I tiptoed to where the shouts were coming and I stopped in front of a door. I was fighting to walk away and forget this but like the famous quote of curiosity killed the cat, I gave in. The door was already slightly opened, so I took a peak of what was happening inside.

“You can’t seriously do this to me Brandon!” I heard Amanda shouted as Brandon passed around the room. They were both breathing heavily and Amanda looked almost in tears. Her blonde hair was a mess and her makeup looked even worse.

“I can’t keep doing this Amanda! What if they catch us one of these days! They could kick us out of the damn pack!” Brandon growled at her and she started to sob.

“B-But I love you!” She cried and he shook his head.

“Then why don’t you leave Grey to be with me!” He shouted at her and she cried even harder.

“You know I can’t leave him.” She whispered hoarsely, looking up at him from the bed.

“I have to go.” Brandon muttered and started to walk towards the door.

I pull away from the gap and ran in the direction I came. I was about to turn the corner that directed back to the living room when someone pulled me in to a room. It was pitch black and the only thing heard was the loud music and two heart beats, one of them being mine.

“Don’t scream. It’s me, Grey.” His voice comforted me for a moment but I snapped out of it.

I got away from him and turned to look at him. “I wasn’t going to scream.” I told him snidely and he chuckled, his turning brighter each second.

“Of course not, you are much tougher than that.”I rolled my eyes.

“Let’s cut the chase. Why did you bring me here?” I asked him.

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