Chapter 2

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 Chapter 2

I walked out of the last class of the morning with a headache coming my way. That teacher, Mr. Frost, was our art teacher and damn was the man lazy! He slept on the desk while everyone else started to from groups and talk to each other. I didn't even know how he could sleep with all the noise that people made! Normally, I kept to myself like the lone sheep away from all the others. I prayed through all the class that the bell would finally ring but sadly no one heard me.

I started to walk towards the cafeteria where everyone was heading and already decided to eat my lunch outside were they had picnic tables. The sun was up and bright, plus it didn't look like it was going to rain.

The halls in the school were deserted because everyone was already in the cafeteria, even all the teachers had gone out to eat. I felt at peace for the first time in the whole day and it did feel very good. Nobody has tried to talk to me since Rose introduce herself and I found that very... nice to say the least.

Sadly, my peace was ruin when I heard moaning coming from the classroom next door. I decided to stop and like the curious person I am take a small peek.

There was a boy and girl kissing to put it lightly. Plus they were on the teacher's desk. Luckily, they had all their clothes still on and they were just groping each other which absolutely disgusting to see!

Shuddering, I started to walk away towards the cafeteria. My footsteps were now the only sounds heard around here.

I stopped when I reached the door of the cafeteria and took a deep breath. I really didn't want to go in there but my stomach was growling and demanding to be fed now.

"Here goes nothing." I murmured and sighed, pushing the door opened.

I was overwhelmed with all the talking and laughing in the space. Everyone was eating and screaming trough all noise and it was making my headache even worse. I was definitely not use to all this noise. At home, everything was so quiet and peaceful. Hearing something out of place happened rarely back there.

I started walking towards the line which was very short and waited for my turn. I decided to just eat an apple and a cheeseburger with a bottle of water.

After I paid for my food, I started to walk towards the doors that led outside to the back when I heard my name being called.

"Lucinda come sit with us!" Rose exclaimed and I turned to look at her. She was sitting one of tables with a group of girl around her. All of them looked to be normal and nice.

I decided to sit with her and started to head towards her table. There was nothing to lose, plus, I think I finally made a new friend.

"Hi Rose." I smiled brightly at her and she scooped to the side so I could sit.

"Well Lucy, these are my friends Mike, Celia, Crystal, Bonnie and Emilia." She said pointing to each person. Everyone gave me a friendly wave and returned to what they were doing. Only Rose focused her attention to me.

"So, what do you think about the school so far?" She asked lightly, her big brown eyes analyzing me.

"It's very good on the education," I said curtly. "But I don't like the noise."

"Yeah, we are kind of annoying aren't we?" She smiled. "But have you seen the all the good looking guys here?" She gushed and I held the urge to roll my eyes.

"Yeah" I agreed with her and she giggled.

"There he comes!" She said excited, her eyes turning even bigger. I turned to look at the direction she was looking and I held in a growl.

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