Chapter 11

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Chapter Eleven

Walking downstairs the next morning, I was surprised to see Grey leaning against the front door flipping a coin up and down between his fingers. He was wearing a black biker jacket over a whoti shirt that made his chest and torso puffed out with power and masculinity.

He suddenly looked up and honestly smiled at me, his steely eyes shining brightly because of the light sparkling down at us.

"Ready to go?" He asked as he grabbed his back pack from the floor.

I nodded my head, my cheeks filling with heat as he stared down at me. Wait, since when I had started to notice his gaze and blushed time he looked at me?Had I gonemad?

"Luce, are you coming or what?" Grey shouted at me from the car, already with his shades on.

"Coming!" I shouted as I ran down the steps. I really did space out back there.

I got in the car and he sped down through the gates. My heart was slightly speeding with each second that passed in this contraption called 'car'.

I looked at the speed monitor and had a heart attack as I saw that it was over 100 mph. I love speed and all as I was in fact a werewolf but I don't want to die from a sudden car crash.

"Um, Grey? Can you please slow down?" I asked in the politest way possible. He instantly slowed down the car and my nerves calmed down.

We finally reached the school and he parked the car at the very end if the parking lot. I guess he likes his privacy.

I got out of the car and started to head towards the school. People were whispering and pointing at me. The girls were giving glares while the guys were bowing their heads down.

Grey put his arm around my shoulder and pulled to his side. I wanted to say to him to let me go but at the same time I didn't want to do it. My human side was confused but the wolf in me was telling me not to move but to stay at his side and to never let him get out of my eye, making me have the mixed feeling I have been feeling since I have met him.

We reached my locker and he pulled his arm away, gave me a kiss on the cheek and left without saying a word.

I stared at his retreating figured confused bit let it slide, even if I was curious of why was he so... touchy with me.

I sighed and pulled out my biology book, closing the locker's door with a bang and headed to my first class, ignoring the nasty stares the other were giving me.

Reaching the classroom, I noticed the class had already started and I quickly sat down next to Rose. Her chocolate hair was spin straight which made it reach her tiny waist and she didn't even looked at me when I sat next to her so she must be fuming mad with me.

"You looked really cozy with Matthews back there." She in a snobby voice, avoiding my gaze and looking at Mrs. Lynn like she was the most interesting to thing to put attention on.

"Rose, let me explain-"

"Shut up Lucinda! Do you know how much trouble we could get in?" She hissed, now looking at me.

I frowned. "I don't understand Rose..."

She sarcastically laughed. "You never understand Lucinda. You wonder around the world without looking at your surroundings and realizing that one little move you can make could put us in danger." She snapped and grabbed all of her stuff, moving to another seat far away from me.

I looked at her figure and sighed. I didn't really know what she meant by that I could put her in danger. Did she mean that hanging with Grey was dangerous? But what was the reason for her to think that? I shook my head and paid attention to Mrs. Lynn through the rest of the class.

The bell finally rang for the last class and I was the first out of the classroom, feeling bad for myself. The rest of the day the girls ignored me, shooting me glares and sneering my way, making me feel like I was a scum at the bottom of their shoes. The only one that talked to me was Sam, which kept my feelings a little high until lunch when I sat all alone in a table in the far corner of the lunchroom.

I walked out of the school to see Grey leaning on his car waiting for me.. He saw and shot me his usual smirk, but it look kind of... nice on him. His blonde hair glisten with the contrast of the sun and he had his shades. I walked over him and got inside the car without saying a word to him, wanting to arrive to the house as soon as possible.

Hearing him sigh, he opened the door and slammed it when he sat down. He started the car and we drove out of the school with him screeching the tires on purpose. Because of that I guessed that he was mad and I think it was with me.

I leaned my head against the car's window, enjoying the view it gave of the forest. It had not rained today, so everything looked light and vibrant.

I leaned my head against the car's window, enjoying the view it gave of the forest. It had not rained today, so everything looked light and vibrant. Plus, fall has started so the tree's leaves were the exotic shades of bright reds, oranges, yellows and browns, making the look inviting.

"Tell me what's wrong Luce." Grey demanded, his wolf's voice mixing with his human one.

"Nothing is wrong Matthews. Just please take to the house," I mumbled leaning against my seat.

He suddenly pushed on the brakes; making the car stop in the middle of the road and making me almost slam against the window screen. I put my hand on my chest and felt my heart wanting to come out through my mouth and ran away from this contraption.

I growled at him, my eyes turning lighter. "Have you lost your mind Matthews? What the hell is wrong with you?!"

He said nothing and reached over to where I was and pulled of my seat belt. I tried to pry myself away from him but that only made him madder and he pulled roughly to his lap. I kept fighting against his hold but he just held me tightly, not letting get out of his hold.

"Stop fighting me and listen to me closely. Tell me why you are so sad?" He almost begged at the end and he grabbed my chin so that I could look up at him.

I looked in to his shaded eyes, hoping that he wouldn't notice that I was lying. "Nothing is wrong Grey."

He chuckled, gripping my shoulders and cutting the circulation. "You think I'm that stupid? I know you very well Lucinda. You are lying and I don't like when people lie to me. Now tell me."

"The girls are ignoring me because I started to spend more time with you. I tried to explain to tell them that there was nothing going on between us but they didn't believe me."

I looked at Grey to see he had his poker face on, not letting any emotion show through his facade. He took his shades off and really looked at me his eyes. The gray iris was now mixed with molten silver, meaning that his wolf was rising on to the surface.

"Do you really think that there isn't something going on?"

I smirked. "Oh, I know that there isn't anything between us."

He chuckled and leaned down to my ear. "That's where you are wrong Lucinda. I can't wait for your birthday."

"What is going to happen in my birthday?" I asked weakly, feeling his breath on my neck now.

I gasped as he roughly bit the flushed skin and then gave it a lick. "You'll find out soon enough."

The car started moving and tried to get out of his hold that was now in my waist but he kept me still and slightly accelerated the car. I laid my head and his shoulder and closed my eyes. I was starting to get tired of these sick little games Grey was playing with me. They were making me feel things I have never I had never felt and I was starting to get scared of what those little emotions could bring.

In a couple of months I will be leaving this place and I had to make sure my relationship with Grey didn't go any further than it had gotten.

With that final promise, I fell asleep on his shoulder, his heartbeat rocking me to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2014 ⏰

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