Chapter 4

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Here is the next chapter!! I hope you guys all like it and please tell me what you think of it.  Not Edited!

Enjoy!! :)

Chapter 4

I walked in to Mrs. Lynn’s classroom dreading what we are going to do today. She was the Biology teacher and as much as I like Science, I don’t know if I’m going to like it with her teaching it. Yesterday we did nothing than just listen to the rules we have to follow through the whole year which was that if we broke one of them we would have detention for a month, crazy huh?

I sat next to Rose who was giving me a weird look. Today she looked more relaxed than yesterday with her hair down and had a sparkle in her eye that I haven’t seen until now.

“How do you know Sam Kings?” She asked suspiciously, her eyebrows furrowing slightly.

“We met yesterday at the party.” I responded and she nodded.

“Are you guys an item?” Was the next question she asked and my eyes widened. Did we look like that to everyone else?

“No, we are just friends. Why?” I asked her and she blushed. Did she like him?

“Oh nothing, I was just wondering.” She muttered and at that moment Mrs. Lynn entered the classroom with a grin on her face. What was she up to?

 She put her briefcase on the desk and turned to us. “Today we are going to rearrange where everyone sits. I already have the order so please get up from your seats and stand against wall.”

“Is she for real?” I heard Rose whispered and I agreed with her.

“Mrs. Robert and Mr. Parker, Mr. Copper and Mrs. Holloway…” I tuned her out until I heard my name being called.

“Mrs. Price and Mr. Matthews” I sighed and made my way towards one of the back tables. I put my bag down and lowered my head on the table. Even if I had my head down and couldn’t see I could still feel their stares and glares around me. I could even hear some girl whisper to each other how lucky I was and how jealous they were of me. Like seriously is just one boy, plus, he is taken so I don’t really understand why they even try.

“You know, the teacher is giving you the nastiest glare I had seen in a while.” Grey chuckled and I kept quiet.

“You are not much of a talker are you?” He whispered and I lifted my head to glare at him.

“Can you see I’m trying to sleep?” I hissed at him.

He growled. “Don’t ever talk to me like that again, got it?”

“You haven’t earned my respect so I can talk to whichever way I want to.” I snapped at him and at that moment the bell went off.

I got up from my seat and walked out of the classroom. I headed tor wards my Spanish class now but slammed in to somebody making all of his books go to the floor. I saw the boy get on his knees and start to grab the books.

“I’m very sorry.”I said and dropped to my knees to help him.

 He gave me a small smile. “It’s okay, accidents happen all the time.”

Once we picked up all the books we got up. “I’m Lucinda.” I held out my hand and he shook.

“The name’s Oliver.” He grinned and let go of my hand. He was a very skinny guy with a few inches taller than me. He had bright red hair and dark green eyes that hid behind some glasses. He was human and looked like a very nice person.

“I have to go Oliver, I’m late for my class now but I’ll see you later?” I wondered and he gave a smile.


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