Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

“Lucinda! Wake up!” I heard someone screamed and I groaned. My head was pounding like crazy. Probably all the beers I drank with Aaron after we left the dance floor and after that I don’t remember anything at all.

“Lucinda Angelina Mary Princeton! If you don’t get your ass down here now you will regret it young lady!” Megan screeched from down stairs and I sighed in defeat. I got out of the bed and dragged myself down the stairs where Megan was waiting with Marc by her side. What is with these two always being together now?

“What do you want?” I yawned and rubbed one of my eyes. I leaned against the wall and looked at her.

 Megan’s eyes glowed brighter with anger. “You have school in ten minutes Luce. Why aren’t you ready?”

I groaned. “I have a huge hangover and I don’t feel like going to school today. So please let me stay for today.” I begged at the end and she sighed.

“Fine, but when I get home I want this house spotless.” She huffed and I nodded my head, cringing in pain from the movement.

“Okay. See you later.” I lifted my fingers in peace position and turned around to climb that stairs but suddenly stopped. “Wait,” I turned around looked down at them. “Who brought me last night?”

She smirked evilly. “Grey Matthews.”

I stared at her for a couple of seconds and went back to walk the stairs. I threw myself on the bed and was ready to go to sleep again when my phone started ringing.

“Can’t people get sleep around here?” I grumbled to myself and flipped the phone opened, not even looking who was calling. “Who is this?”

“Where the heck are you baby girl?! I need you here!” Sam’s voice boomed on the phone and cringed by how pitched it sounded.

“I’m at home Sam.”

“Care to tell me why?” He huffed and I rolled my eyes. He is such a drama queen.

“Well, I have a huge hangover and I wanted to get some sleep but sadly you interrupted it mister.”

“You are so mean!” He cried out but then snickered. “But that’s why I love you, you bitch.”

I laughed softly. “I love you too and you sound so gay right now!”I teased and I hung up the phone before he could reply. I buried my head in my pillow and tried to go back to dream land but sadly I was one of those persons who wakes up and can’t go to sleep right away.

I was starting to get frustrated now. I rolled around bed and tried different positions but nothing worked at all. I even tried counting one hundred backwards and that didn’t worked either.

“Screw this.”I muttered and threw the cover off me. I got up from the bed and went to the closet to change in to a pair of shorts and a white tank top.

When I came back out, I let out a shriek when I saw Sam lying on my bed with his hands under his head and was looking up at the ceiling.

“What the hell are you doing here Samuel?!” I shouted at him and he focused his attention on me, his brown eyes gleaming with excitement.

 He pouted. “I was bored at school without you. I felt sad and lonely that my best friend didn’t come so I skipped school to spend time with you!” He almost screamed at the end and I laughed at him.

“Fine, you can stay but you have to help me clean the house because that was the deal I made with my aunt, got it?”

He sat up in the bed and gave me a goofy smile. “Yes sir!”

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