Chapter 5

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Enjoy!!  Not Edited. :)

Chapter 6

I stared at him for a moment and then looked down. I focused my attention on the grass that was moving along with the direction of the wind. I settled my hand on the grass and started to move it around, feeling the soft grass in my fingertips.

I heard the sound of leaves being crushed and looked up to see Grey storming towards me. The rage in his eyes was making some amber flecks come alive in his eyes. His wheat blonde hair moving with the air and the hard breathing making his nose slightly flare made anger even more pronounce.

He reached my and pulled me up roughly by my arm. Slammed in to the tree, I glared at him and threw the Ipod away, the headphones following it.

“What is your damn problem?” I hissed, trying to get out of his iron grip. He didn’t even answer and just buried his face in my neck, inhaling a deep breath. He let out growl and pulled away, looking down at me and pressing his forehead against mine.

“Why do you make me feel like this?” He whispered and I shuddered and it wasn’t from the cold. The tiny sparks were making me feel weird and overwhelmed as he pressed himself against me. Every inch of his body was pressed up against mine and sighed, throwing my head against the tree. I was wondering the same thing he asked me.

“Tell me!” He demanded and shook my head.

“I don’t know.” I sighed and he snarled. Rain started to pour from the sky and we were getting drenched. I tried to push him again but he wasn’t taking any of it. He just stayed there like a statue, the only difference the feeling of his heart beat and the ups and downs from his chest.

Giving up, I looked down at him in the eyes. “Can you let me go?” I asked calmly but calm was the last thing I was feeling right now. Nerves where attacking my whole body like crazy, not letting me think straight.

He pulled away and I took a deep breath, finally feeling okay. I looked at him but his face was blank and didn’t have any sign of giving away what he was feeling right now.

“I’ll see you later.” He murmured and walked away like nothing happened.

Angry, I grabbed my bag and looked at his retreating figure. “You owe me a new Ipod Matthews!” I screamed at him but couldn’t see him anymore but I knew he heard me and he better get a new one, soon.


I opened the door of the house and closed it behind me. I walked in to the living room and sat on the couch. The last class of the way finished half an hour ago and I walked all the way from school to the house.

“It’s nice to see you again” I jumped up, holding a hand to my chest to see a smiling Mark.

“You almost gave a heart attack.” I growled at him and he shrugged.

“That’s what happens when you’re not aware of your surroundings. You are going to be queen soon, shouldn’t you know this stuff?” He teased.

“Leave me alone.” I groaned and buried my face in a cushion. I heard my neck sniffing and knew what he was going to ask next.

“Why do you smell like my nephew?” He asked in a serious tone and I ignored him.

“I asked Lucinda, why do you smell like my nephew?” He growled this time and I pulled my face out of the cushion looking up at him.

“I had a small encounter with him, that’s it.” I responded. “By the way, why are you in my house?”I asked him, raising an eyebrow.

He leaned back against the couch, putting his hand behind his head. “Your Aunt is getting ready for our date.”

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