Chapter 10

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 I know I haven’t uploaded in a while but I think I’m ready to come back to the writing business. Please tell what you think of this chapter. :)


Chapter 10

We three walked in to the kitchen and Mrs. Matthew signaled us to sit in the stools that surrounding the island in the middle of the kitchen. We quietly took our seats and waited for Mrs. Matthews to call the boys in.

“Guys, can you come in the kitchen please?” She said in a calm voice, looking at the entrance to the kitchen.

We heard the TV shut off and curses coming from the living room. The footsteps of the men walking towards here were getting louder until they all entered the kitchen with a guilty look on their faces.

I could feel some of the boy’s looking at me so I looked down and started to braid my hair to the side, looking directly at the pattern I was making. My hair was quite long so it would take me a couple of minutes to finish the braid.

I heard Mrs. Matthew take a deep breath. “If I remember correctly, I told you gentlemen to do something an hour ago. Can you enlighten me in telling me what it was Ryan?” She hissed at the end towards her husband.

“You told us to make dinner, honey.”

“Oh, I did didn’t I? Then if I told you to that, why didn’t you do it? She snapped at the group of men.

Grey looked to be the only brave to stand up to his mother because he was the only one that spoke. “Because we didn’t want to pause football game, mother.”

I tied the braid and looked up to see Grey looking at his mother in the eye not in a disrespectful way but in the way of admitting what he had done wrong without shame.

Mrs. Matthew smiled at her son. “Thank you for being sincere Grey.” Then she turned to the others. “Don’t you guys have to say something for yourselves?”

“We’re sorry.” They all mumbled, looking down to the floor. I had to do my hardest to not laugh because they didn’t look like grown men but little kids being scolded by their mom.

Sasha looked to be having the same problem as me but she let out a snicker from between her lips by accident. She put her hands on her mouth and looked at me wide eyed, fear ruining through her eyes.

Mrs. Matthew turned around to look at her daughter, putting her hands on her hips. “Is there something funny you want to share with us Sasha?”

Sasha lowered her hands along with her head. “No mommy.” She said a small voice.

“I thought so.” Mrs. Matthew murmured and once again turned towards the group of men. “Now all of you have to make dinner while us girl watch TV. Plus, you will have to wash the dishes and clean the kitchen as your punishment. Now get to work.” She huffed and motioned us to get out of the kitchen, her staying behind to supervise the men.

“Know I know to never disobey your mother Sasha.” I told her as we sat down in the living room. She sat on the floor beside me and turned on the TV.

I looked at her weirdly and she looked up, her gray eyes shining with curiosity. “What’s wrong?”

“Um…  Can you explain to me why are you sitting on the floor?”

“Dude, I always sit on the floor when we are in the living room. I feel like it’s more relaxing and cool than sitting on the couch.” She explained laughing and focused on the TV. Her facial expression changing each time something in the movie she was watching.

I looked away from her and out the window. It was already late at night and the moon was shining so brightly and so full. It looked beautiful with all the stars shining around her. It reminded me of my old home, where my room had a balcony and I would go out and lean on the railing to see the clear sky of the night.

I focused my gaze in the rustling of the bushes that lead to the forest and saw a pair of glowing amber eyes glaring in my direction. I kept my gaze up with the glaring wolf until it backed up deep in to the bushes, disappearing from sight.

I saw the last of the gleaming eyes and took a deep breath, noticing that I stopped breathing when I started my staring contest with the wolf.

“Hey, are you okay?” I heard Sasha asked and I just nodded, still looking outside. That little wolf wanted something with me and the only thing I need to find is what it is.

I got up from the couch and Sasha looked up at me. “I’m going to head up to my room and rest for a little while. Can you come get me when dinner is done?” I asked her at the end and she murmured a yes before going back to watching the movie.

Walking down the hallway towards my room, an arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me in to a room. I yelped in surprise when I was softly slammed in to a wall but calmed down when I saw who it was.

“Aren’t you supposed to be doing dinner?” I asked him, trying to catch a breath from the mini heart attack he gave me.

He pressed his body against mine and looked down at me. “I was left out early for good behavior.”

“Good to know.” I murmured. “Now, please tell me why you pulled me in to your room?” I asked annoyed.

“I heard you telling my sister you were going to bed, so I thought we could take a nap together.”  He murmured lazily.

“I think not.” I replied, pushing him away.

He slammed his body to mine and in a flash his head was exactly as the same height as mine, his lips only centimeters away from mine. “Please?”

I sighed, looking in to his steel gaze. He really has some amazing eyes. “Fine.”

He gave me a mega watt smile and picked me up, only to throw me in the bed and he did the same.  I squealed as he landed beside and pulled me in to his embrace, his body doing a cocoon around mine.

We didn’t say anything else but lay there, each one deeply thinking. My thoughts were filled with confusing emotions that I was feeling each time he was closed to me. They were going from Joy to anger to happiness to frustration. This guy was making my head running in circles along with… my heart.

Why did he have this effect on me? I have never felt so strongly about a person before, especially a guy. What was so different about him from all the others? What made Gray Matthews so... particular that made him stand out from everyone else.

As if feeling my frustration, he pulled me closer to him and buried his head in my neck, giving me butterfly kisses along it. I stretched my neck to give him more access and closed my eyes, sighting as the familiar tingles ran up and down my body.

“Why do you make me feel this way?” I asked him in my moment of vulnerability, wanting him to answer that question that was starting to make me crazy.

He stopped kissing and pulled away, turning us so that he was on top of me. Looking down at me, I could feel his gaze wanting to meet with mine but I didn’t let that happen because of the embarrassment I was in the moment.

“Please look at me in the eye Luce.” He growled softly and I looked at him. “You want to know why you feel like this love?”

I nodded, desperate for the answer to fall out of his lips.

He rubbed his body against mine and lowered his head close to mine. “Well darling I’ll tell you when I’m ready and that is moment is not now. Goodnight.” He chuckled and brushed his lips lightly over mine, rolling away so that his back was facing me.

I rolled to my side and closed my eyes, grumbling under my breath. I knew he was going to do something like this but I was too stupid to anticipate it. After all, he was unpredictable.

But next time, I’ll be ready.

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