Cold Darkness

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Author's note:  I just want to say thank you to those who do decide to read my story. You will definitely have no regrets (;  I also want to thank those who considered to read, but choose not to because it's nice that you were at least curious. I don't care if you vote or not. You do what you feel like. Please don't be too shy to comment. I would love to hear suggestions and reactions. Ok bye.. Enjoy!

I couldn't see anything, but I definitely could feel the chills crawling up my arms. Where was I? I waited a little bit for my eyes to  adjust, so I could observe my surroundings. I was for one sitting on a cold hard concrete floor against a concrete wall. There was a small white  mattress sitting in the corner beside it was little hole sitting in the middle of the floor. I'm assuming the hole is for bathroom purposes, because I didn't see a toilet around and wasn't big enough to crawl into.

Toilet? Where the hell was the tissue and the sink is the better question. How strange that I felt familiar with these things but I had no recollection of using them.

I  looked up and notice that there actually was a little light shining, through a small hole above the ceiling.

I tried to stand up but there was a shock of pain that ran through both of my legs. I screamed out. I guess I would have to resolve in crawling to further investigate. As I used my arms to push myself away from the wall, I could see that the room was in a dome like shape almost like being at the bottom of a well.


I used the word well, but what was a well. I tried to think harder to picture what a well actually looked like but failed.

I managed to move all the way to the center of the room where the light shown.

I looked down at myself and I could see my black tangled hair was at the length of my thighs. My arms and legs were covered with dirt to the point I could barely see my actually skin. I began to question was my hair actually black or was it just dirt.

My mind began to develop A LOT of questions . Two main questions in particular like how long have I've been down here? I'm aware that I have lost some memory on the way of life but I knew this wasn't right. I just had a feeling like I shouldn't be down here . Something in my gut told me something was wrong with this.


What the hell was that? I looked up and I could see the hole of light became bigger. It was really blinding I could barely see as it opened. There was something being lowered down, but I couldn't see what was lowering it. There was a thick rope and attached to the rope was a bowl. I quickly grabbed the bowl. It was some kind of oat substance (similar to what I  remember oatmeal) but it wasn't quite that. I looked up once again out of curiosity, it was face.

Before I couldn't see any details, the hole was closed back to its original position. I looked down at my oat soup, it was still warm and smelt a little fruity. I used my hand and shoved it in my mouth. I uncontrollable let out a moan of delight. I shoved as much as could into my mouth.

I didn't realise I was that hungry.

I licked the bowl clean and set it aside. If I didn't know anything else, I knew now that food was definitely something I valued.

I crawled to the bed and tried to avoid using as less leg muscle as possible. Thankfully the mattress was on the floor so it wasn't entirely impossible to get on. I laid there and I got bored?

Yes bored! I could remember what it means to be bored.

I closed my eyes and something weird happen. My throat is moving and a strange noise was released. I was singing.

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