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"Stop" he whispered while he was on top of me.

"Why I thought you liked me." I said breathlessly.

"I do Star, that's why we're not doing this. You can barely talk straight." He said laying back down.

"Whatever" I said turning my back from him.

I closed my eyes.

I was at the window again. It was just the little girl by herself. She was playing with a doll. The doll was really pretty and had on a princess dress.

Her door opened and it was a little boy with dark hair. He was saying something to her. She dropped the doll and ran out the room. I stood there staring at the doll.

"Wake up sleeping beauty. I've made breakfast." Trell said smiling above me with a tray.

I sat up "How do you always wake up before me?" I asked taking the tray.

"Believe it or not I'm actually a night person." He laughed sitting at the foot of the bed.

I looked down at the tray. It was two poptarts on the plate with a cup of orange juice.

I laughed "you weren't joking were you?"

"Nope two of my best dishes." He said holding up two fingers. "I hope you like cinnamon, they're my favorite."

"I'm sorry about last night. The way I acted." I said shaking my head.

He grabbed my hand. "It's ok, I kissed you first. We were both a little messed up." He smiled.

I smiled back and took a bite out of the poptart.

"You know you don't have to go back down there right. I mean I know you can't walk yet, but I could just get you a hotel room. At least until your able to walk again." He said still holding my hand.

"You might find this stupid, but I have to go back down there. The witch has answers to pieces of my life. She even told me she was going out of town to bring something back for me. I also need to know why she has me down there in the first place."

He gave me a strange look and then shook his head "I understand."

"Can I ask you a question Trell?" I took another bite of poptart.

"Of course."

"I read online that me and mother was on witness protection. So how does everyone in town know about me?"

He looked out his window "Because you and your family lived here Star."

I sat my half eaten poptart back on the tray. "What? And nobody knows my name?"

"Well you and your parents were isolated from the rest of the town. It was like we knew who you were, but nobody really talk to you all. You were actually known as the "silent Meltons".

"Why didn't you tell me this?"

He held his hands up in defense "I thought that was something you'd remembered. You never asked."


"I didn't have any friends?" I asked.

"Well I am little bit older than you, so I probably graduated before you entered high school. I couldn't really tell you. I actually never seen you until the coma." He shrugged his shoulder.

There's no way I didn't have friends. Right?

"I have to take a shower. Is there anything you want before I go?" He asked.

"Yea, could you give me my phone off the charger?" I said pointing to it.

"Ok." He got up and took the phone off the charger. "Here you go" he handed it to me.

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