Daddy's doll

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I sat up on the bed.

Was that my father?

The room in my dream was nothing like the other room inside the window. Was it just possible that I was one of those kids who parents separated, so I had two rooms.

Another thing that was off was that my hair was short in that dream. The little girl in the window had long hair. Maybe it was just one of those things. I probably got gum in it and they had to cut it or something.

Also what kind of favor did my dad want from me?

I woke up before I could hear what he  whispered in my ear.


Trell was coming

"Good morning." He said throwing me an apple.

I caught it and said good morning back. He sat down on the bed and placed his book bag down.

"Trell.." I said.

"Yes." He responded looking at me.

" I think I had a dream about my father." I said before biting the apple.

He had a worried look on his face. "What exactly did you dream?" He asked.

"I was sitting, where I'm assuming was my room and he walked in asking me for a favor. I was really eager to do what he wanted because I wanted a doll for my six birthday." I said taking another bite.

"Do you remember what the favor was?"

"No I woke up before that point. I just find it weird that I would have a dream with me being the of age 5." I said looking strangely at the half eaten apple.

"Maybe your mind is trying to feed you memories through your dreams." He said shrugging. "Are you ok, like are you worried to know what his favor was?"

I honestly didn't know. "Do you know anything about my father. I know you said you know who I am, and I definitely think I can handle anything you throw at me at this point."

He pulled his hair behind his ear. I didn't notice how he had it out.

" Well I don't exactly know you personally. I couldn't tell you what your name was even if I wanted to. I know more of you." He signed deeply. "I do know that your father has done some bad things if that was what you were asking."

"What kind of bad things?" I asked.

He looked down "I can't tell you that."

What the hell.

"What do you mean you can't tell me. If you know something about my father, why wouldn't you tell me Trell. Especially if he did bad things!" I began to raise my voice.

"You don't understand." He said shaking his head.

"I don't understand. No Trell you don't understand I have amnesia. If you know something then tell me. Its really damn frustrating not knowing who I am."

"Your right and I'm sorry. I can't tell you because it would be from my perspective. That's not helping you regain your memories with the influence of other's information. You should remember your father like you remember him. You should remember your life like you remember your life." He said in a reassuring voice.

"But, how is hearing your perspective changing anything about my memories. If anything it would change my perception, but my memories would stay the same." I said with confidence.

"Trust me, my perception of your father is probably really drastically different from the general population. People might just say his a bad guy, but its personal for me. I would really rather if we could drop it." He said out of pure frustration.

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