Two, Too Long Months Later

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Authors note: I'm a person who believes in finishing what I start and I am definitely going to finish this story. So if your in to it, don't worry I won't leave it incomplete. Thank you for reading. (:


The witch still hasn't came back.... I honestly forgot about her until today.

"So why exactly are you still willingly down here Liz?" Mike asked.

It was a valid question. It wasn't like I was still struggling to walk. It was all fine as long as I had these crutches for support.

"I don't know anymore. I guess I'm waiting for more answers." I shrugged feeling my grown out hair touch my shoulders.

He nodded "Have you had anymore dreams?"

I shook my head I haven't had any dreams since the one with Trell. I didn't tell Mike about that one.

I wasn't really sure how he would take me pushing his brother down a cliff, and enjoying it.

Mike and I sessions transformed more into him talking a lot about his personal life. Mostly because I didn't have anything else to talk about anymore since I've haven't had any dreams.

"Ok Liz so I really need your advice on something. Do you think you can help me?" He took his glasses off.

"Ok." I nodded.

"So Blair is having a party for our anniversary, and I just feel like that's a more intimate thing to celebrate. She argues that it should be celebrated amongst others as an inspiration for them to be able to find love too. What do you think?"

I crossed my arms " well are you guys getting married or just celebrating a month of being together?"

He shook his head and laughed.

"No Liz, it's a year anniversary."

"Thats still not much inspiration. I think it should be personal." I responded.

"Glad that you agree with me. She drives me crazy sometimes. Anyway enough about me what about you? How are things with Trell?"

I could feel my heart hurting at the sound of his name. He still wasn't really talking to me besides the occasional text message of some of his art or to see if I was ok. He never wants to have an extended conversation beyond that.

I took a deep breath "still nothing."

He began to smile "thats funny because he asks a lot about you. He's still trying to get me to sneak a picture of you."

That's another thing I haven't seen Trell since that day with the fruit.

Mike helps me to their house so I can shower everyday and Trell still somehow manages to avoid me.

"I'm surprised. I was starting to think he didn't like me anymore."

"Liz, of course he cares about you. I've never seen him so interested or concerned about someone in a long time." He said reassuringly.

That was surprising to hear I could not imagine Trell not being a caring person to everyone. He was just so sweet to me since day one. I was a complete stranger to him, and yet he still came down the well to give me snacks.

Thinking about it now he deserves someone with the same caring trait. I just have an eerie feeling it wasn't me. But, why do I feel this way?

It still made me selfishly happy to hear that he hasn't given up on me. I just really want the witch to come back so she can give me answers about who I am. Then maybe we could be together.

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