The next day

10 0 2

I sat up on the bed.

I opened Trell's book, it was like a story. On the first page he wrote: I dedicate this to my super star Liz.

Every page was a drawing of me and him doing things together like picnics, swimming, and climbing trees. My favorite was the one with him holding me on his back, and us walking through a park.

I closed the book and hugged it to my chest. I really hope Trell didn't mean it when he said we needed time. I just can't imagine not seeing him.

I grabbed the phone and sent him the 10th text.

It read: Please text me back. :(

I threw my phone across the bed in frustration.

It shouldn't be long before Mike comes to talk to me. It was getting dark outside and I know he went to work.

It wasn't long before I heard the familiar opening of the hole.

Mike was still dressed in his work clothes and looked very tired. He had a paper bag in his hand.

"It's been a long day for me so I hope you like chinese takeout." He said giving me a white container out of the paper bag. He sat down and begun eating out of another container.

"Its good, but not as good as your cooking." I smiled at him while taking another bite.

He laughed "thanks Liz, I needed a compliment today. So I think I'm going to let you take the lead today. Just talk about whatever you want."

I sat the food down beside me. "Trell told me you like to invent things on your free time."

He looked up at me and smiled. "Yes, I often make little gadgets and stuff. That garage is the only place I can't have my OCD drive me nuts in. It's a complete mess in there." He laughed.

I nodded. "My dad use to invent kid toys as a hobby. In my dream me and him would sit in the park together and watch kids as an inspiration." I looked down at the food.

He quickly stop laughing and looked uncomfortable. "Do you think that's how he chose his victims?"

"I don't know. The crazy thing is in my dreams he seems like a decent guy."

"Liz, not all serial killers have to be openly viscous people. That's why it's sometimes hard to to detect them." He said softly.

"I guess.." I mumbled.

I suddenly lost my appetite and closed up the container. I could tell Mike lost his too because he threw the fork in the bag.

"Do you want to lighten the conversation up a bit?" He asked me.

"Please." I chuckled.

He put his hands on his lap. "Tell me about your relationship with Austin. I'm sure that's something interesting. He was definitely an interesting guy."

"Um it seemed a little wild. I can't exactly remember everything about it." I shrugged.

He nodded "ok, I just find it interesting that a girl like you would be with him. You just seem like a decent person and he wasn't exactly "appropriate"."

"That's the thing Mike. I'm not exactly sure on how decent I was." I responded with uncertainty.

I recalled the way I grabbed Austin's neck and whispering to him, and calling my own mother a bitch.

He looked curious "What makes you think that?"

I slid my hands on the bed "I guess just by the way I act and feel." I shrugged.

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