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"Celebrity girl." I heard a whisper.

I could tell it was Trell.

I opened my eyes and turned around to look at him "Hi." I whispered back.

He was way earlier than usual.

He was smiling standing above me with a box of doughnuts.

I sat up on the bed to get a better look at him. "You brought a bigger case of doughnuts." I said with a smile.

"Yea, I figured we could enjoy them together."

He sat down next to me and took a bite out of one." I got assorted this time." He said handing me a chocolate one.

"Why are you so early?" I asked before taking a bite of doughnut.

"Because the witch is going on vacation. I saw her leave with a suitcase. It looked like it was going to be awhile." He said with a grin.

"Her son is suppose to be taking her place when it comes to feeding me."

He rolled his eyes "you won't have to worry about that, her son is the town delinquent." He said with a bitter laugh.

"Oh" was all that I was able to say. That meant that I wasn't going to be able to meet my brother. Or even find out if my theory was true and that he was really my brother.

I wanted to tell Trell my theory, but I wanted to gather more evidence to back me up. If I told him that my dreams were my evidence, he'll probably think being down here has turned me crazy.

"Its going to be nice being able to spend more time with you and not having to leave at a certain time." He said looking at me eat another doughnut.

"How do you know when to come and leave in the first place?" I asked out of curiosity.

"I watched her for a while, and she works like clockwork. This pit is actually not far from my house. I could look out the window in my room and see it."

"So why do you come down here?" I asked staring down my hands.

"Because I'm a rebel." He said laughing.

I smiled at him.

"No seriously to see you. At first I just wanted to see the mystery girl that people whispered about in the pit. Then I saw you and I feel compelled to keep seeing you." He said softly while his faced turned red.

"I'm happy you come to see me everyday." I said pushing his shoulder.

"You better be, because I'm not going anywhere. I meant my promise to you."

We sat silent for a few minutes just enjoying each other's presence.

I turned to look at him his eyes were closed and he was leaned back against the wall. I got closer to him so that my face was in front of his.

I could hear his breaths at a soft rhythm. I could really see the details on his face. He had a little cute moe right above his eyebrow.  I began to stare down at his lips, they were full. I hadn't notice how nice his lips were. I got the sudden urge to kiss him.

I could feel myself uncontrollably leaning in closer. I was almost touching his lips.

His green eyes flickered open, and I jerked back to my position.

He looked a little confused but his faced quickly turned into a smile. "Why'd you jerk back?

I felt my face was hot. I could now remember what embarrassment felt like. "I just wanted to get a closer look of your face." I said looking down at my feet.

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