Think about it

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The same rope Trell used was placed down. Maybe Trell change his mind and wanted to sit with me for a while.

I could see a guy coming down with blonde hair.

Shit it was Mike.

He stepped down. He had changed his outfit to a black t-shirt and gray sweats. He wasn't as built as Trell but he was maybe a little taller.

"Is Star your actual name?" He asked walking towards me.

"No its just a temporary name until I remember my real one." I responded.

"Oh I see, thats pretty clever. I like it." He sat crossing his legs on the floor in front of me.

Why was he down here?

He smiled "I'm not here to hurt you Star. I just want to talk. You look a little petrified over there." He chuckled.

Did he really think I was afraid of him. I was more creeped out than afraid.

"You know I could help you with your memories if you like. I have a job dealing with this things. Did Trell tell you I was therapist?


"Well his wrong I'm actually a psychiatrist. There's a difference." He pushed his glasses up.

"Why do you get to boss Trell around like that." I asked angrily.

He laughed.

What an asshole.

"I don't boss him around Star. Trell is his own man, but there are certain rules in our house that applies to the both of us."

"What kind of rules?"

"Rules that you wouldn't understand unless you were living in our household." He told me.

"How do you manage to be proper and an asshole at the same time?" I asked him.

He smiled "I like you Star, you have fire in you. I truly find you intriguing and thats why I want to help you." He clapped his hands together. "Tell me what you do remember so far?"

Should I tell him. I mean its not like I had anything to lose. He said it's his job to handle things like this.

"I have little dreams of my father and sometimes of a little girl and a woman."

"Tell me more about your dreams with you father first. How do you feel about him?"

I could feel my hands sweating on the bed. "I can't really tell. Its mixed emotions I guess."

I told him all my dreams trying to include as much detail as I could. He spent most of the time just listening and nodding his head.

"I think we have a lot to work with Star. I want you to think harder on how you felt about your father and try to give identity to the little girl and the woman." He rested his head between his hands.

"I told you I think the little girl is me."

He looked at my hands "No she's not Star, your always looking into the window but never in the window. She might not even be a real person, but rather a symbol or representation of something else." He looked back up at me.

He did a lot of scrolling over me.

He smiled. "You know I typically write notes during a normal session, but I don't want this to be a patient doctor relationship. I want this to be a little more personal Star. It might help you better that way. Actually I want you to ask me a question."

"Umm ok well uh how old are you?" I asked I wanted to see how much older he was than Trell.

He chuckled "Really? Thats the one question out of all questions to ask. I'm 31."

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