What a Talk

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"I was walking the circles by myself and I hurt myself. I just felt really stupid and I didn't want to talk after that." I said sadly.

He didn't seem that convinced but he gave up on asking me questions.

"I still have this dumb cold." I could hear him coughing away from the phone. "Mike is going to keep filling in. I really miss you Star, especially since I didn't get to talk to you yesterday."

"I miss you too."

I did miss him when I was up anyway.

"Trell I have to preserve the phone battery so we can continue to talk." I sadly told him.

"Ok, I guess we can talk tomorrow."

We both hung up.

It was a weird feeling but I felt oddly rejuvenated from my forced hibernation. I felt like I could run a couple miles if I wanted to.

I settled for walking instead. I held onto the wall and walked the circles.

I had so many memories to sort out from my dreams. The fact that my actually name is Liz. I wonder if that was my full name or just a nickname for Elisabeth or Lizza.

Apparently Austin was my boyfriend? If that was the case where is he now?


I stumbled back to the bed. It was way too early for Mike to be coming and I just spoke with Trell.

The rope was placed down and a blonde hair man was coming down.

Mike had on a sweater and a pair of jeans.
He smiled "I have a date with my girlfriend later."

"Tell me, from your professional perspective. What psychiatrist forces treatment on a patient if its not wanted?" I crossed my legs glaring at him.

He stepped forward "with extreme cases dealing with delusional individuals."

I scrunched my eyes together "You think I'm delusional?"

He sat down in his spot on the floor. "I think you're lost Star. I think you've lost your true self and for some reason your scared of what you might find. You try to act like you desperately want to know, but the truth is your subconscious knows. That's why your dreams are so vivid and real feeling. When you're sleeping its hard for you to fight your memories from coming back." He smiled.

"You think you got me all figured out." I crossed my arms.

"No not really, I've just seen it before. Just not as extreme as your case." He was looking at my hands on the bed.

I quickly placed them on my lap. "I just not completely understanding your motive here. Its like you're too invested in me getting my memories back."

"Well, like I've stated before, I'm really intrigued. Your aware of your father's history. I just find it hard to believe that neither you or your mother didn't know what was going on for 10 years." He rubbed his hands together.

"Well my mother was barely there!" I blurted out before I could even think.

Where did that come from?

He arched his eyebrow, "that's interesting, so where was she?"

I looked down at my bare feet. "I don't really know. I remember she would go to church a lot and sometimes make me and my father go."

He nodded his head "What about you Star? Your mother was busy but what about you?"

"I guess I might have spent a lot of time with my boyfriend Austin. I had a dream of spending the night with him."

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