Drugged Dreams

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It was dark and I couldn't tell where I was but I could tell I was lying in a bed. I sat up on the bed.

"Baby why are you up?" I could here a whisper coming from beside me.

"Austin I can't sleep." I brought my knees to my chest looking at the darkness surrounding us.

I heard a switch being flicked. The light exploded through the room.

I looked beside me to a blue haired boy smiling at me. He was shirtless and covered with tattoos.

He sat up with me. He had dark rounded eyes and a nose piercing. "Is it the nightmares again baby?"

I shook my head. Looking around at his messy dark themed room. I couldn't really see the floor under the mast of junk.

"You know what we do to get rid of nightmares." He said touching my knee.

I begin to laugh.

He got up revealing his Spongebob themed boxers. He walked to a table in the corner of the room to retrieve something.

He got back in the bed revealing a lighter in his hand and a blunt. "Do you want to do the honors?" He said handing me the lighter while he held the blunt.

I switched on the lighter and lit the blunt. "You know this doesn't actually stop my nightmares." I said looking at him.

He held it between his lips and laughed out smoke. "So what do you want L therapy?"

I took it from him and took a drag holding it in the smoke as long as I could before responding. "Of course not, therapy is for the weak. We both know I'm not weak. I know how to handle my own shit."

He stared at me for a minute"that's why I'm in love with you because you are strong, fun, and dangerous."

I coughed "don't get all lovey dovey on me because you had a few puffs."

He laughed taking another hit "no, L you know how I feel about you. We made a pact remember?"

"Yes never judge each others shit and always go with it no matter what." I recited to him.

"Right." He put out the blunt and leaned over to kiss me.

I pulled away. "How about we have some fun tonight." I said getting out the bed.

He rolled his eyes "we were just about to have fun L. Why are you getting up?" He said annoyed.

"I'm talking about outside fun. C'mon Austin we're high and up at like 3am. Why stay in the stupid bed." I began looking for my clothes on the ground.

He groaned "but baby I just don't feel like being reckless tonight."

I already threw on my over sized jean romper "Austin if you love me like you claim, you'll get dress and follow the pact." I said while crossing my arms.

"Damnit L, fine"

I could feel a buzzing at my thigh. I opened my eyes. My vision was blurry.

I slowly reached down to retrieve the phone. I could barely see it, but I knew it was from Trell.

It read: I'm... to.. ok...miss..food

I could only see a few words before feeling myself drift again.

I was back in the dull little girl room. This time I was sitting on the floor. Playing with my new doll Daddy got me for my birthday. I heard the door knock, before it opened.

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