Bad/ Good/ Bad days

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It had to be days since I've ate or drunk anything.

I couldn't tell exact time and days but I've been counting every time it got dark and so far I counted five.

The witch has been sending a different dead mouse in the bowl and I kept throwing them in the hole.

That wasn't even the worse part. Trell stopped coming to see me.

I've became very weak and dirt was starting to stick to my skin once again.

Sometimes reading the Dictionary made time go by faster even though I've read the whole thing. It helped me take my mind off the painful hunger I had in my stomach and the thirst.


I already gotten my mouse for the day. Maybe the witch wanted to see if I died yet.

I felt too weak to try to lift my neck to see and part of me didn't care.

I felt a hand on my shoulder as I was facing the wall. It felt warm and a little rough. I turned to see it was Trell.

"Hi" he said looking down at me.

I began to cry.

He sat down on my bed and lifted me in his arms. He held me while I cried in his chest. He didn't say anything just. He just stroked my hair while I cried.

He gently sat me up on my bed while still sitting next to me. He reached in his bag and gave me a water bottle.

I snatched it from him and couldn't get open fast enough. It was so good.

He reached in his bag and gave me a sandwich.

It was big and it was beautiful.

I shoved the sandwich in my mouth as soon as I could get open.

"That was actually my lunch, but you look like you need it more than me. I still have your honey bun though." He said with a worried look.

I shook my head. I couldn't speak because my mouth was full with sandwich.

He took out another water bottle and gave it to me. "Has she not been feeding you or giving you anything to drink?" 

I shook my head taking another bite.

He put his head in hands. "I'm so sorry. I haven't been here. This is so messed up."

I put my hand on his.

He looked at me and for the first time I could really see the color of his eyes. They were green just like the grass I walked on in my dream.

"I mean if she hasn't been feeding you that means I was your only source of food and water and I neglected you for almost a week. You could've died and it would have been my fault." He said shaking his head.

"No it wouldn't have been. Your not the one who put me down here." I said looking at him.

"Your right, but I know your done here. I promise I won't miss another day." He said squeezing my hand.

"How do you know that I'm done here?" I asked.

"The whole town knows. Including the police." He said reaching into his bag.

Why the hell haven't they came to get me then?

"The only difference is that I'm the only one bold enough to come down here." He said with a sexy grin

God. I read about sexy in the Dictionary and Trell is the true synonym.

I must of spaced out because Trell was snapping his fingers in my face to get my attention.

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