Out for a Little

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His name was Darryl Melton.

As soon as I hit search a number to give information popped up. I guess people were suppose to call this number if they saw him or had more evidence.

I clicked on a site that said "About Darryl Melton and his crimes."

Immediately there was a picture of him smiling in a park. He looked exactly the same way as he did in my dreams.

He looked like an average guy and not the type to kidnap kids.

It said: Mr. Melton was your all American man. He appeared to be a loving husband and a loving father. It may have been the reason why he was able to go undetected for so long. Mr. Melton has kidnapped over 20 children ages between 4 and 7 in the past 10 years. His wife was apparently the one to turn him after finding a little boy's shoe belonging to a missing boy in their house. When police arrived to the Melton residence, there was no sign of Mr. Melton or evidence of any kids other than the shoe. Police did discover a journal in Mr. Melton office with a list of the missing children with crossing over their names. Mr. Melton wife and daughter are currently under witness protection and their identities are a secret for protection.
If you know anymore information or information about Mr. Melton whereabouts please contact your local authorities.

If my identity is a secret how does Trell and the town know?

I tried other sites to see if I could get anything new, but they all pretty much were the same.

I clicked to the front camera on the phone.

Damn  I looked so bad. My hair was still in the braid Trell put in, but it obviously needed to be wash. I was naturally a tan color but I could see I was beginning to look pale. Not to mention that I'm on my period and napkins were starting not to work.

I needed to properly wash myself. I'm feeling pretty gross.

I text Trell: call me please?

I waited for Trell to call me. Thirty long minutes later the phone rung.

"Hello" I answered.

"Hey do you have any special request for tonight?" He asked.

"No.....well yea I need to shower and I... need proper um....feminine products." I said nervously.

"Ok I'll just go to store for you and we'll have to figure the shower thing out when I get back ok?"

"Ok" I respond.

"Give me about a hour and I'll be there super star."

"Ok see you later." I responded and hung up.

That was less awkward than I expected.

I spent the hour waiting on Trell by just googling random things, and watching the news. I discovered Facebook and Instagram along the way. I tried just putting in my last name to see if I had an account, but nothing popped up.


Trell was coming down the ladder. When he finally reached the ground he didn't have anything with him not even his book bag.

"I know how we're going to do this. It Might be a little risky but I think we can get a way with it." He said.

"What are you talking about?" I questioned.

"Your going to get on my back and I'm going to climb up this ladder. Your not heavy so I think it's going to ok." He said with reassurance.

My mouth dropped open "Trell what if you fall? Then we'll both be stuck down here with broken legs."

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