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I reached up to rub my head. My head was booming with pain.

I was still on the white mattress and the old lady was gone.

Something was different.

I looked down at myself, it was dark but I could still obviously tell that my skin and hair was clean.

I even had on a different dress. It was black with spaghetti straps and it came to my knees.

I ran my hand through my hair. It was soft as if it were brushed thoroughly.

How did I get washed with new clothes and not remember?

It had to be the old lady.

Honestly it felt good to be able to see my skin and hair dirt free.


The hole was open, and the rope with the bowl was being lowered down.

I took the bowl and the rope was brought back up with the closing of the hole.

It was the same oats.

There was no way I was going to eat them after what happened. No matter how hungry I was. The old lady had used it to drug me. I couldn't be sure if it was safe.

Although she took the time to clean me up while I was unconscious. I had no way of exactly knowing what she was doing to me.

I try to check my cleaned limbs for any marks or bruising. There thankfully were none.

I just hated the thought of being unconscious and being unaware. She didn't seem like the sweet grandma type either. The way she watched me and that wicked laugh she made when I blacked out.

What I really don't understand about it all, was why she cleaned me up in the first place.

I threw the oats down the hole and sat the bowl next to the bed.

She'll put the rope down to collect the bowl soon.

I tried to see if I could walk, but the pain was still unbearable.

What the hell is wrong with my legs?

I sat defeated on the floor with my hands rubbing legs.

I felt like singing again, it somehow made me feel better.

She was curious and forgottennnn so she disobeyed her mother and took a loookkk out the dooorr...

I found it truly amazing how the lyrics just sprung into my head as if I wrote them first handed.

I began to just hum and repeat the same verse over and over until I heard the hole reopening.

My heart skipped a beat.

I really wanted it to be Trell, but I had a feeling it was just the old lady collecting the bowl.

I saw the rope being lowered down. I could feel the sadness slowly approaching when it was just her collecting the bowl.

I placed the bowl on the rope and watched it go up.

The hole was closed.

It wasn't long before the hole was reopened and a ladder was placed down.

I could feel myself starting to smile. It was the same ladder Trell used.

It was him.

He had on similar dark clothes as last time with the same book bag.

I happily said "Hello Trell." Once he jumped down.

He turned around and smiled

"Hello celebrity girl."

Being Lost and FoundWhere stories live. Discover now