Chapter 1 (Ideas)

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Nilla's POV

I hopped off the bus at school and looked around for my best friends. I looked at the door to see Harriet and Louise walk out.

"Harriet Louise," I yelled trying to get their attention. They turned their head to look at me. When they realized it was me they waved me to come over.

I started running and as I got closer I Fell. As clumsy as I am I don't usually fall over air. I got up and brushed of my skinny jeans. I looked up to see the girls laughing their ass' off.

"Not funny," I said as I reached them. I was being serious.

"Sorry but that was kinda funny," Louise said still laughing. I death glared them and that's when they stopped.

"Hey Nilla," A boyish voice said. I turned to see my best friend/ Ex boyfriend standing there. Yes I am best friends with my Ex boyfriend.

"GABBERS," I screamed giving him a hug. He rapped his arms around my waist and rubbed my back. Then we let go and said our goodbyes as Gabe left.

"Hashtag Nabe," Harriet said while Louise giggled. They do this all the time I mean come on really girls do you guys have anything better to do.

"Hashtag Never," I said firmly so they would stop. But to my least liking they didn't.

"Oh you know one day you two will get married and I will be the Maid of honor," Louise said still giggling. Harriet slapped Louise's arm and made her jump.

"No I'm gonna be the maid of honor," Harriet said. They make my day 10,000x better.

"Girls guess what," I said making them stop arguing. They turned their heads towards me.

"WHAT, WHAT, WHAT," They repeated jumping up and down.

"Its almost summer." I cheerfully said. They both had huge grins on their faces.

"I'm so excited. OK so on Friday, The last day of school were all going to my house right." Harriet said confirming our sleep over plans. Me and Louise nodded our heads.

We turned to walk in the school when my phone started playing music. The song was 'Up All Night' By: One Direction.

"OMG Nilla is that your ringtone," Louise laughed at my obvious choice of ringtone. We all have the One Direction Infection. The first time I realized I got it was the funniest thing ever.


We were at lunch which sadly Louise doesn't have lunch with us. Well let's just start by sating we were fan girling which I never do.

"Nilla I think you have the One Direction Infection." Harriet stated. I widened my eyes to look at her and the other girls who all except Lia were obsessed with 1D.

"Weres the needle I need to be cured ASAP," I yelled running to the bathroom. Like 5 Seconds later Harriet comes in the bathroom with a sewing needle and pokes me with it.

"Oi, What the hell was that for," I screamed. She just started laughter really hard. As the other girls walked in they started laughing as well.

"You said you needed a needle and you wanted to be cured." Harriet said laughing. They girls and I all started laughing as well.

End of flashback

"Yes Louise that's my ringtone, you have a problem with that," I said making Harriet laugh at My rude/humorous joke.

"No I don't, And you don't have to be so rude," She said getting all dramatic. Harriet opened her arms for her to hug her but she just strutted towards Lia and Zayla, who were hanging out with our friends Alison and Marley.

"Hey bra's what's you guys up to," I asked as I walked up of them.

"Oh you know the usual," Lia said chuckling at her words. The bell rang and we had to go to first period. Louise has art while me and the other girls have science.


When we got out of science me and the girls started heading towards Band. Another class we have without Louise.

"Guys I have a brilliant Idea," I said getting all excited.

"What is it Nilla," Harriet said cocking her head to the right alittle. Zayla and Lia take forever to pack up so we were probs going to be late which our teacher didn't care.

"We should make a YouTube channel of us being One Direction we could be....... The Second Direction," I said. The girls smiled big a nodded.

"OK intro video will be at the sleep over OK." I said confirming the dates.

"That's brilliant Nilla why didn't I come up with that," Zayla asked getting all excited.

"Idk but what I do know it that I get to be Harry," Harriet said getting all excited.

"I get to be Liam cause he's my favorite," Lia said.

"I get to be Zayn," Zayla said.

"I'll be niall. And Louise can be Louis." I said.


We were headed towards our 5th period class which it the only class we all had together. I entered Heath class with the girls and all sat down in a row of five.

We told Louise about the idea and she flipped. She obviously loved it. How we sat in a row was at the end was Harriet then Louise Then me Then Lia and last was Zayla.


The end of the day came and I got off the bus with my best friend Gabe.

"Can you hang today," He asked while we walked to our apartments.

"No I got modeling in like 20 and I still have to find outfits," I said. I didn't really have modeling today that was next week. I made up an excuse cause he likes me and I like someone else.

"OK well see you tomorrow Nilla," He said waving to me. I waved back and headed home.

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