Chaper 18 (Dinner)

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Zayla's POV

We left the house taking three cars. I suggested One direction in one car, 5 seconds of summer in the next, and us girls in the last car but NOOOOOOOOO. They had to mix us up and guess who I'm stuck with; Calum, Liam, and the love birds them self's Nilla and Ashton. Harry, Zayn, Niall, and Lia are in the car behind us while Luke, Harriet, Louis, Louise, and Michael have the last car.

My life has now came to an end. I'm in the middle between Calum and Liam who are bickering over smart shit, I don't even want to play attention. Anyways in the front seats are Nilla and Ashton who are quiet, wait I heard a moan escape her lips, He isn't.

"Hey guys lets call Lia and see how her and the boys are doing, shall me," I suggested. After I said that Ashton's hand came out from Nilla's side. He is nasty like seriously there are other people in this car. Liam and Calum both agree to the call thing so I set my phone up to the car.

"You know we could have used my phone," Ashton said in a 'You're stupid' Tone if voice.

"I will smack you," I said as he nodded looking at Nilla who was pretending nothing was happening. I laughed scrolling through my phone contacts looking for Lia. Pressing the call button it rang a few times before she answered.

"ZAYLA HELP ME PLEASE," Lia yelled. Everyone in our car laughed as we heard yelling from the other side of the line.

"Zayn stop hitting Harry, He is trying to drive. Do you want us to die," I heard Niall yell. I laughed flirting like only to have Nilla look back and realize what just happened.

"Hey Lia what is going on in the car," I asked. I didn't hear anything for a couple of seconds till I heard Harry scream.

"Don't touch my curls again or I will cut you so deep you wont stop bleeding," He threatened as everyone in the car just laughed.

"Who cares about your curl," I heard Zayn yell. I burst out laughing not even knowing how to react to their craziness.

"Can we hangup now," Liam said next to me. Ashton and Nilla giggled a little but not loud enough for people to hear.

"What no please. Don't leave me with these crazy guys," Lia yelled into the phone.

"What pftttttt I pfttttt Cutting pfttttttt Out," I faked into the phone.

"Zayle don't you-" I cut her off by hanging up. She in going to throw a fit.

"Lets call Harriet now. I wanna dee how she is handling them," Nilla said.

"She was the one who wanted to ride with them," Calum reassured.

"True but only to be with lover boy," Nilla cooed.

"Ok well I'm calling now so everyone shush," I said pressing call.

"SHUT UP IM ON THE FUCKING PHONE. Hey guys hows the car ride," Harriet asked.

"We were just gonna ask the same thing," Calum laughed.


"Feisty arnt you." I heard louis say probably sticking his tongue out as well.

"Louis quess what," Luke said to louis

"What," Louis answered back

"Lets just say somethings were tighterthen others," Luke said. My face went blank for a rew seconds, only to be shaken back to a laugh when i heard the sound of skin hit skin. 

"Ow, what the hell was that for," I heard Luke yell. That proabably means Harriet hit him.

"Naughty words Luke, Naughty. You cant just say something like that when a inecent little cupcake is around," She said probably smirking knowing Harriet and all.

"Sorry love," He answered back to her.

"Its o- MICHAEL, LOUISE, LOUIS HIT EACHOTHER ONE MORE TIME AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS," Harriet yelled once more getting more and more frusterated. 

"Michael started it," Louis and Louise said at the same time.

"I dont give two shits who started it. Ill end it," Harriet angrily said.

"Yes mom," Louise sadi sarcastically

"What was that," Harriet said most likly glaring at Louise.

"She called you mom: Michael answered.

"I heard michael no need to tattle," Harriet reasured.

"If I didnt know any better I would think you guys were a famiily," Nilla laughed.

"Tell me about it," Harriet sadi most likly rolling her eyes.

" Ok guys well were gonna go. Talk to you when you get here." Liam said quickly probably wanting to leave the convo as much as me.

"K bye," Sh esaid hanging up.

"Well that was interesting," Liam sadi making us all nod our heads.

"Here we are," Ashton annouced pulling into the parking lot. I looked around to see a nice looking place.  I was taking in the aperance when Calum started laughing.

"Why on earth are you laughing," Ashton asked Calum.

"I just gto what Luke said to Louis,"Calum said still laughing.

"Oh my god youre such a blonde," Nilla laughed getting out of the car as we followed. Getting out, we see the other guys getting out of their cars. Louise and Louis hitting eachother while michael cheers them on. Still dont know how Harriet deals with those children.

When we got inside , we quickly got a tabel. I sat beside Niall and Nilla. 

"So you enjoy your car ride," I asked Niall trying to create convorsation.

"It was ok. Zayn kept messing with Harry's hair and Lia would NOT shut up," He said making me laugh flirtingly.From around Niall head I saw Harriet look at me with confusion in her face.

She looked alittle longer before mouthing the words 'Do you like Niall.' I nodded slightly as a smirk arouse on her face.

"Hello I'm your waiter Natile. May I take your order," I was about to answer when i looked at Harry who was just love struck.

"Looks like someone has a wittle crush now," Louis cooed making not just Harry but also Natile blush.

"Louis, shut up," Harry graonsed.

"He wants your number, are you single," Louis asked. 

"Yeah i am, Here,' She said handing hm her number.

"Uhhhhh thanks," Harry said blushing.

"Ok now i would like to order, im starving," Niall said making everyone laugh. With that everyone ordered a big meal and of course we made Harry pay, because he had no choice.


Hi peeps. Sooooooo sorry fro the non updates. I feel so bad. I was really busy with also no internet. Love all. BYExx

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2014 ⏰

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