Chapter 9 (Prank day)

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Zayla's POV

"Prank day?" Harriet asked confused. Louis nodded and we all looked at each other.

"Challenge accepted," Nilla said glaring at the boys. Yes as you can guess today is prank day. Us Second direction girls against the One direction boys. The other four boys are the judges on the pranks.

"So starting now," Harry said as the five boys ran. Me and the girls all whispered among each other out plans and of course we mostly took Nilla's ideas cause she's the master at pranks.

"One two three brake," And we were off to our first prank which would be pulled on non other than Liam Payne himself.

"Liam hurry I broke my ankle." Lia said. We put ketchup around her ankle and taped paper to her leg so it would look like a bone. Honestly it looked fake but he bought it cause he can running and when he was about to come to the door he flew back wards.

"Wait what," He said poking the door. We all laughed and that's when it happened from the back door someone threw melted chocolate on us. We all screamed and that when the fan went off and feathers dropped from the fan.

"Niall James Horan get your arse in here," I yelled at the top of my lungs. He came in laughing so hard. I glared him as did the other girls. But then we heard a faint scream from the kitchen and we ran. We walked in and Harry's hair was wet and straight.

"What did you do to my hair," Harry yelled turning around. Nilla poured water on his hair.

"Wait I need a few more things." She said. He glared but she went to the fridge and took the whip cream and a cherry. Harry turned to face us with a confused look but then brenna made Harry's head a ice cream top. She put the whip cream in circles.

"Please forgive me. Please. Pretty please with a cherry in top," She said putting the cherry on top. Us all girls laugh and Harry breathed heavily then screamed. Harriet walked up to him and smashed her hand on the whip cream spreading it everywhere. He screamed once more and all us girls laughed.

I felt something on my back so I tried to look but I couldn't see it.

"Girls what's on my back," I said turning my back to them. I heard a scream from Nilla.

"SPIDER," Louise yelled running into the living room.

"What OMG OMG GET IT OFF GET IT OFF," I yelled the boys started laughing.

"Don't worry guys its fake," Zayn said still laughing. I glared at the boys but then turned to see Louise running back in with her face covered in color.

"A color bomb went off in my face," She said glaring at Harry.

"Wasn't me it was Louis," He said pointing to Louis who just started laughing harder.

"You think that funny huh," She said smirking. I turned to Louis and looked up. Lia was on the fridge holding eggs and flour. I looked back down at the boys. Louise was smiling and then the next thing you know Lia cracks the eggs on his head and yoke goes all over his head. she then dumps the flour on his head and he screams.

"Whyyyyyyyy," He yelled. I heard another scream and I turned to find Zayn standing with a pie smashed in his face.

"Nilla Lynn Morgan," He yelled turning to her. She then turned and ran out of the room. I heard two screams from the same room and Niall and Nilla walk into  the room soaked.

"Who planned this," They said at the same time. The 5sos boys came into the room laughing.

"We did," They said still laughing.

"We also planned this," They said splashing buckets of water in our face.

"My curls," Harriet yelled. Harry just stood there shocked and I death glared than as did everyone else.

"I love you Harriet," Luke said laughing. She glared at him.

"Go say that to someone who you haven't ruined their curls," She said storming off. I saw Ashton staring at Nilla and when she looked he looked away fast. Woah did I just see that. What ever. After Harriet stormed off Luke chased her down the hall and we started cleaning up.


I hoped you like this one. Oh no Harry's and Harriet's curls. Haha well love all

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