Chapter 2: The Talk...

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[The living room, moments later.]

Mrs. Biggle: Oh goodness I am so nervous. [Henrietta enters the living room]

Henrietta: What?!

Mr. Biggle: Have a seat, Henrietta. [Henrietta sits on the chair]

Mrs. Biggle: Oh, a little family chit-chaaat.

Henrietta: Shut up, Mom!

Mr. Biggle: Henrietta, as you know, your mother and I have been concerned about your behavior for some time.

Henrietta: Are we really doing this again?!

Mr. Biggle: We've had a hard time coping with the dark things you're into, but we've finally had some counseling, and apparently we're not the only parents who have a child that is... emo.

Henrietta: What?!

Mrs. Biggle: But Daddy and I love our little muffin, even if she's emo or not.

Henrietta: I'm not a fucking emo! Don't you even know the fucking diff!

Mr. Biggle: Do you know how your foul language breaks your mother's heart?

Mrs. Biggle: Like calling Mommy Demon Jizz.

Mr. Biggle: So listen, sweetie, we've found a camp.

[her mom brings out a brochure]

Henrietta: Noo...

Mr. Biggle: A camp which is for troubled kids like you, and you get to work outside and learn about responsibility.

Henrietta: [stands up, ready to leave the room] I'm not going to any fucking camp!

Mr. Biggle It's for two weeks, and when you come back we can talk about earning back some of your privileges.

Henrietta: I won't come back because I'll be fucking dead. I'll walk out of that camp and I'll walk the streets until I probably get picked up and gangbanged by criminals until I'm bleeding out my fucking eyes!!

Mrs. Biggle: Theeeey have a horseshoe pit where you can challenge the other kids to horsehoooes.

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