Chapter 16:Edgar Allan Poe Saves Everyone

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[The Village Inn, night. The Ghost of Goth Past sits in the same booth the Goth kids sit in, sipping coffee and smoking]

Waitress: [approaches] Hey, are you gonna order any food, or are you just gonna sit there and drink coffee all day?

Poe: Leave me alone! I just want coffeh.

Waitress: [turns around and leaves] Little prick.

Poe: Bitch.

Pete: [voice only] Poe? Edgar Allan Poe, where are you? [his face appears in Poe's coffee] What the hell are you doing?! Yo're supposed to be helping us!

Poe: I can't right now. I'm dealing with a lot and I just have a lot of anxiety.

Pete: Look, we [flips hair] summoned you to help us save the world!

Poe: What's the point? Save some people so some other people can be lame? And then those lame-os can be lamer to some other posers?

Pete: God, he is such a downer! [the plants rattle again]

Gardener: Just let the spores inside you. Stop fighting it.

Mike: Wait. Look!

Poe: [floating in] Okay, I'm here, posers.

Pete: NightPain! Destroy the plant leader! The leader over there! [Poe descends and lands next to the Emo King]

Poe: What do you want me to do?

Mike, Michael, and Pete: Shoot it!

Poe: Really? Shoot a plant?

Michael: Shoot it! [Poe ob
liges, but nothing happens to the plant. A piece of its pot might have come off. Poe just shrugs.]

Poe: Wait a minute. What is this? [walks over and pulls out the plant's tag] This says it was bought at Lowe's Home and Garden for $29.95. [it's a common ficus]

Gardener: Lowe's Home and Garden?

Pete: Hey, these are just plants.

Gardener: No they, they talk to me.

Poe: No, they're just, like, ficus plants and vibrating pots.

Gardener: But

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