Chapter 7/8:Michael Is Being Sent To Camp...

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[A tiny diner, night. Pete is reading a book titled "The Sinking Girl" on an armchair]
A ring tone: Death and despair! Death and despair! Death and despair! Death and desp-
Pete: [answers it] Hello?

Michael: It's worse than we thought.

Pete: What is? Everything? [flips hair]

Michael: No! I mean Henrietta. I confronted her and she was all like "I am emo! And emos are going to rule the world" and I was like "No waaay!" and she was like "Yeah, soon it will be too late." and I was all "No waaay!"

Pete: No way.

Michael: Yeah, so listen: call up Firkle and meet me at Village Inn. I gotta run home, but I'll be there in ten minutes.(AND CHAPTER 7 BEGIN CHAPTER 8!!!)
[rushes home and closes the front door, then runs up the stairs.]

[Michael's house, night. He runs upstairs...]

Mom: Michael! Michael!

[Michael leans over the rail]

Michael: Can't now, Mom! I've got an emergency!
Dad: In the dining room Michael! Let's go! [Michael goes down reluctantly and enters the dining room] Have a seat, son. [Michael takes a seat opposite his dad.] Your mom and I have decided you're going to go away for a little while.

Michael: What??

Dad: [holds up the same brochure Mrs. Biggle held up two weeks earlier] We've been put in touch with this camp for troubled kids like you and-

Michael: What the hell are you talking about?!

Mom: This place gonna fix you, make you normal child! [moments later his dad takes him outside and toward the truck]

Michael: No! You've gotta listen to me! You don't know what you're doing!! [Dad throws him into the car] You fucking conformists! [the truck starts up and backs out of the driveway. Michael looks across the street and sees Henrietta with her emo friends, two of whom are new. He gasps. As the truck pulls away he screams through the closed window] They're evillll!

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