Fighting For Her Man

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*30 minutes after Jake invites Kev and Patricia in*

Erika POV - I'm beginning to calm down after mine and Jake's fight. I heard the door open about half an hour ago. I don't know who came in or left. A part of me hopes Jake left to go for a jog because he thinks the best when he works out but another part hopes he stayed and just want to throw me off so I would come out and we could talk. Not knowing which and getting hungry I decided to go into the kitchen. I wanted to see Jake but that soon when away when I saw him and Patricia on the couch cuddling. He was shirtless and she was basically doing a security check on his chest and abs.

Jake POV - I was sitting with Patricia on the couch watching some Netflix when I heard footsteps. Just by the weight and the breathing of the person walking I knew it was Erika. Patricia was basically giving my upper body a scrub down until I turned my head a bit and she caught me staring. She turned my head back to face her.

Patricia - "I'm over here jakey" she said in a fake pout 

Jake - "huh what oh uh hi Patricia" I said realizing I had stared off at Erika 

Erika POV - I knew he was staring at me but I didn't care he didn't didnt me he was awfully okay with that Patricia bitch groping his chest. Groping my mans chest. No Erika I thought to myself he isn't yours.

Jake POV - I need Erika not this girl but I have to do this for the sake of team tens business. I know Erikas mad. Patricia got up on top of me more and I heard Erika groan. I don't know why she's so pissed, I told her it's for business and I can do what I want anyways. We were never official but I need her.

Erika - "My god Patricia. Why don't you just have sex with him already" I said in an angry and sad voice.

Jake - "what the fuck is your issue Erika" I said annoyed that she brung this up again

Patricia - "Jake don't let her talk to us like that. The dumbass office hand shouldn't be talking at all."

Erika - "excuse me bitch" I said dropping what I was doing and walking over to her

Jake  - "Erika what's you damn problem" 

Erika - "maybe the fact that this bitch is all over you like it's just fine"

Jake - "it is fine Erika god damnit. Just stay outta this one" I said showing her a worried and caring face 

Patricia - " yeah asshole listen to your boss and go read some emails" 

Erika - "that's fucking enough bitch" I said swinging at her and connecting with her face with my palm

Patricia and Jake - "what the fuck Erika" they said while Patricia teared up and held her cheek

Jake - "Erika my office now" I said annoyed

Erika - "no way Jake. Just stay here with the bitch" slapping her once more

Jake - "Erika please" I pleaded grabbing her wrist and walking her to the office

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