The Interruptions

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Jake POV - me and Erika were walking through downtown Cleveland. It felt so good to be home and be with my girl. Our hands and fingers were interlocked and they fit perfectly together. We were at the fountain taking instgram pictures for us both when my phone rang. 

Jake - "Erika I gotta take this"

Erika - "Okay but don't be long babe" starts to take selfies by the fountain

(On the phone)

Jake - "Hello"

Kevin - "Hey Jake we gotta problem so ya gotta listen to me here"

Jake - "Alright what's up" in a serious voice

Kevin - "so you remember that Patricia girl I brought over for you"

Jake - "yeah so"

Kevin - "she's sueing Erika"

Jake - "what! What the fuck for?"

Kevin - "her medical cost after Erika beat the living hell out of her"

Jake - "that's fucked up but ok. I'll get us a flight home tonight and we will deal with this in the morning"

Kevin - "ok Jake, bye."

Jake - "yeah bye" annoyed

(Real Life)

Erika - "who was that?"

Jake - "Kev, we have to go home tonight" I said taking her hand and walking annoyed in the direction of the hotel"

Erika - "What?! But you just got here Jake why"

Jake - "me and you have some deep shit to get out of" 

Erika - *stops Jake and turns him to face her* "Jake stop. What's going on" in a calm voice

Jake - "Patricia is sueing you" 

Erika - "what did I do"

Jake - "You beat the shit out of her, Erika" raises voice annoyed and keeps walking

Erika POV - I can't believe he just yelled at me. I've seen him mad but not like this. It's scaring me a little.

*back at the hotel*

Jake POV - I'm still annoyed so I'm packing my bag by basically throwing my stuff into it. Erika fucked this one up. But I can't believe I yelled at her. All this shit is my fault anyways. Just these thoughts pissed me off more.

Jake - "Aaaaaaggggghhhhhh" throws a vase at the wall and it smashes

Erika - *screams and falls to the ground crying*

Jake - *runs over to her and kneels on the ground hugging her* "Erika baby I'm sorry. I didn't mean scare you. I'm just mad. Not at you. At myself. This is all my fault. I shouldn't have taken that deal with Kevin and I shouldn't have yelled at you. I'm sorry I love you"

Erika - *sniffling* "its ok I love you too"

Jake - *pecks her on the lips* "let's finish packing our flight leaves in an hour"

Erika - "ok" gets up

*30 minutes later*

*at the airport*

Jake's POV - we were in the checking line when I hear a familiar voice behind me. I turn my head to see Alissa, Faze Banks, and Ricegum but they don't see me. Shit I say to myself. But maybe they will be somewhere else. I catch a glimpse of their tickets. B1, B2, B3. Right behind me and Erika in A1, and A2. We will get this changed somehow.

Jake - "hi may we change our seats"

Attendant - "yes let me check on that"

Erika - *whispering* "why Jake"

Jake- *whispering* "faze, alissa, and rice are behind us. I saw their tickets and they have b row so...."

Erika - "so their right behind us ok"

Attendant - "I'm sorry sir the plan is full but I assure you our Attendants on board will garuntee a good flight"

Jake - "ok thanks anyways"

Erika - "jakeeeee" in a scared whimper

Jake - "its ok babe I got you. They won't hurt you I won't let them"

Erika- "okay "

*they board the flight and the drama starts. Alissa notices them and tries to hug and sit on jake and Erika pushes her off. Then banks gets defensive and grabs erikas wrist. Jake didn't want to deal with it so he called over the flight attendant and recounted what happened at what the First Lady said and she told faze, Alissa, and rice not to try anything else"

*a few hours later at home in Jake's bed*

Jake - "that was the worst flight ever"

Erika - "yeah but you were there which made it that much better" *kisses him*

Jake - "ow I love you"

Erika - "I love you too"

*and with that they fell asleep together I  Jake's bed not caring who found them in the morning*

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