The "Us" Day

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Chance POV - I woke up this morning and I needed to talk to Jake. I needed to ask him where he was. He got on a plane two days ago and came back last night. He wouldn't tell me where he went. When I came out of my room his door was cracked so I went to his room.

Chance - "hey ja........." a saw him and Erika asleep in each other's arms. I went and crouched by the door when he began to turn over and say hey.

Jake POV - I woke up to someone saying hey  to me. I turned over and see chance crouched behind the door.

Jake - "what the hell are you doing chance" angry whisper "don't you know how to fucking knock"

Chance - "whats going on here Jake?" Annoyed and loud

Jake - "shhhhhhhhh don't wake her" whispering even more annoyed "go down to the kitchen I'll be down in 5 minutes"

Chance - "ok, ok" walks out

Erika POV - I woke up to Jake angrily whispering at chance. Chance was watching us sleep together! I heard Jake say he was going down to the kitchen but I didn't want him to leave so I rolled over and got halfway on top of him and acted like I just woke up.

Erika - "good morning jakey" 

Jake - "good morning Rik" I said kissing her cheek

Erika - "wanna cuddle" I said happily

Jake - "I will in about 15 minutes. I have to go talk to chance." I said kissing her again and then going to get up but she stopped me

Erika - "please stay" I said fake pouting

Jake - "I cut you a deal" I said getting up and going into the closet "I'll go talk to chance and then I'll tell team 10 We have a lot of work and to have a day out and we will spend the whole day together" I said putting on some joggers in the closet doorway.

Erika - "ok" I said sarcastically "but I'm going back to sleep right now"

Jake - "ok sleepy head" I said leaving the room

*30 minutes later*

Erika - "Jake is that you" I said feeling someone lay on me in bed

Jake - "who else would it be dumbo" I said flipping her over

Erika - "oh shutup" I said playfully slapping his chest

Jake - "so let's get the day started" I said pulling her out of bed and kissing her

Erika - "okay but I have to shower first"

Jake - "okay I'll join" I said winking and biting my lip

Erika - "woah big boy that wasn't an invitation" 

Jake - "I don't need one" I said laughing 

Erika - "ok but only since no ones home" I said sarcastically 

Jake - "why would it matter if they were" I said as we were undressing in the bathroom "the door has a locked" we both laughed and hopped in the shower

Jake POV - we made out and cleaned each other off. Then we got out and changed into comfy clothes. 

                                                                                   Jake's Outfit

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                                                                                   Jake's Outfit

                                                                                   Jake's Outfit

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                                                                            Erikas Outfit

Erikas POV - we got dressed and went down stairs. We ate junk food, watched movies, napped, talked, cuddled and of course made out until about 6:00 pm when team 10 pulled in the driveway. We kissed one more time and ran off to the office to act like we were working.

Team 10 - "were home" we said walking into the office

Erika & Jake - "hey guys how was your day out"

Team 10 - "great. What do you guys work on"

Jake - "nothing much just catching up on calls and emails"

Erika - "yeah same"

Team 10 - "well okay we just stopped by to say we are going to the club. We will be back around 1 am. Do y'all wanna come"

Erika - "sorry I can't I still have like 89 more emails"

Jake - "yeah I have about a hundred"

Team 10 - "ok guys we will see you later" we said and left

Jake - "Hey Erika"

Erika - "yes babe" 

Jake - "do you wanna go to dinner tonight"

Erika - "of course baby. What time"

Jake - "well it's 6pm now so 7:30?"

Erika - "that works" I said and ran off to my room to get ready

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