Close To Death But Saved

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*the next day*

Erika - "hello" I said picking up the car from an unknown number while  rocking Nicholas and trying to cook at the same time. God it's only been a day and it's already hard without Jake.

Police - "hello is the Erika Costell"

Erika - "yes it is" I said awkwardly 

Police - "hello ma'am. This is officer Sanders from the LA central police department"

Erika - "yes. How may I help you" I said worriedly 

Police - "I'm sorry ma'am but I'm afraid you boyfriend was in a terrible wreck late yesterday afternoon. He's in bad condition. Would you mind coming down to the police station to verify the id?"

Erika POV - I just stood there silent I stoped rocking Nicholas and just stood there not believing what I was hearing 

Police - "maam?"

Erika - "oh yes I'm here. I'll be there in 10 minutes. Goodbye" I said crying and tearing up. But I stoped crying. Maybe it's not Jake.

*10 minutes later at the police station"

Police - "hello ma'am you must be miss Costell"

Erika - "that's me" I said putting Nicholas into his carrier and getting up to follow the police outside "oh and please call me Erika"

Police - "of course. So Erika Jake is at North LA Hostpital. We figured sense this must be emotional you would like an escort. He said leading me to one of the big black SUVs in the parking lot.

Erika - "thankyou sir" I said getting in the backseat with Nicholas

 Erika POV - 10 minutes later we arrived. We went through a staff only door and entered the hostpital a way I'd never seen before. We got to ICU (intensive care unit). I saw most of team ten and ran to them. We all hugged as I began to cry.

Erika - "it's all my fault" I cried into rays shoulder 

Ray - "no Erika just tell is what happened"

Erika - "Jake and I got into an arguement" I said sitting down as they huddled around me "he was upset because we moved out and he missed you guys. I asked him to go grab my last few bags from the house and he got all tight up about it. He said he was tired of having to drive there and back everyday for stuff I left. After he said that I went off on him about how he's alway playing games on the tv or phone while I taking car of Nicholas. So I got mad and told him I didn't want our kid to be screw ups like are parents were. I told him we needed space and go shop acting like our fights were nothing. I told him to stay while you guys for a while until it settled down. We said I love you and he left in full on tears. He must've been distracted while driving"

Team Ten - "Erika" they said hugging me "it's not your faught. All couples fight and let's admit it you were both in the wrong." They finished just as the nurse walked out

Nurse - "Mrs Costell. The police are ready for your id" 

Erika- "oh ok" I said handing Nicholas to Tessa and walking off

Team Ten - "we love you Erika"

Erika - "i love y'all too" I said and walked through the curtain to see Jake. To see my baby laying hooked up to countless machines and ivs. He lauded there lifeless as I fell to the ground crying. "It's him I said to the police captain"

Police - "thankyou maam" they said leaving me be

Erika POV - I stood up and walked over to Jake. He was in a coma. I gripped his ah d and he gripped back but that's all he could do. I kissed his forehead and hugged him

Erika - "Jake" I said in a soft whimper "I love you so much baby. I need you to listen to me. Don't you dare leave me. I can't handle life without you and neither can Nicholas. We both know what's it's like to grow up without a father. We can't do that to him. I love you so much baby. I said and kissed him" I put my head on his chest and cried as the machine let out a long beep and the nurse came in

Nurse - "I'm sorry ma'am but he's fading fast you'll have to step out" she said hurrying to set up for revival i guessed 

Erika - "don't leave me Jake" I whispered as I got up to leave and they started to preform CPR

Jake POV - I was in so much main. I heard a nurse and a police and then an angle. No not an angel. Erika!. She told me how much she loved me and told me not to leave her. I wanted to hug her and kiss her back and talk but I couldn't. Then I heard a long beep. My chest began to hurt as a nurse rushed in at and Erika had to go. "Don't leave me Jake" she whispered. I won't I thought to myself o can't. I started to fight for my life. I made myself breath and forced opened my eyes. I gasped fir air and I finally achieved. I was alive!

Erika - I walked out crying as team ten ran to me

Team Ten - "Erika" they said "what's wrong"

Erika - "he's fading" I said. They understood and all we could do was sit and wait. Until i heard a scream and commotion 

Jake - "stop.....let me go,........ see my girlfriend..." I yelled still hard to breath but breathing

Nurse - "sir lay down we will go get her" they said trying to fight me back

Jake - I broke through and ran through the curtain "Erika!" I screamed running to her

Erika- "Jake!" I ran to him as he fell into my arms. He was alive but he as weak

Team Ten - "Jake! Your okay" they said running to us

Jake - "no I'm not but I had to fight. I made myself breath I made myself wake up. I couldn't leave Erika and Nicholas alone. I could leave him without a dad like mine and Erikas fathers did" I smiled up at her

Erika - "you listened when I said don't you dare leave me"

Jake - "I did" I said and pulled her into a kiss. The nurses then scolded my actions and led me back to bed

Erika POV - me and Jake went back to his room. I laid in his big hostpital bed and we cuddled. We talked and we both talked about and apologized for out side of the fight. I was about to doze off when team Ten came in

Tessa - "knock knock love birds" she said giggling 

Anthony - "hey guys it's late"

Chance - "yeah it's 10pm. We gotta go." 

Jake - "ow" I looked at Erika sad

Erika - "don't be sad." I said "Team Ten there are some clothes of Nicholas's at the house. I'm gonna stay here with Jake tonight take him with you." I said surely

Team Ten - "ok buys guys we love you and will be back in the morning" 

Jake - "you didn't have to do that" I said to Erika after we said our goodbyes to the team "I know how it means for you to be with Nicholas"

Erika - "stop complaining before I take back the offer" I said giggling

Jake - "wow I can't even get a break when I'm sick" I said laughing

Erika - "nope" I said and kissed him as we dozed off to sleep

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