He Tried To What?!

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*the next day*

Jake POV - I woke up this morning bright and early. It was only 7:00am when I woke up. I cuddled Erika for a while and then decided to get up and get dressed before waking her. We had a doctors appointment at 9:00. After I got dressed I looked at Erika sleeping. She was so sweet and cute but it was 8:00am now and she takes forever to get up. I payed beside her and wrapped my arms around her sideways and kissed her check. She put her hand in my face and gently pushed me away.

Erika - "Go away Jake" I groaned giggling slightly

Jake - "come on you gotta get up" I said kissing her bare shoulder

Erika - "ugggggg. It's early" I said looking at my phone

Jake - "I know but we gotta go to the doctor" I said brightening the expression on her face

Erika - I sprung up and ran to the bathroom to get ready "I almost forgot" I said stripping and changing and heading down to my bathroom to do my makeup


Erika POV - I was doing my makeup. I had taken off my shirt so it didn't get dirty so o had my door shut. I thought I heard it open but I shouted out hello and there was no answer. Just as I turned to finish my makeup with my setting spray I felt arms around my waist and chest.

Erika - "hey Jakey" I said turning my head to kiss him

Jake - "are you ready yet" he said in a sarcasticly exasperated tone

Erika - "oh shut up you bastard" I said laughing and flipping him off in the mirror

Jake - "oh Erika you better play nice" I said tightening my grip around her and whispering in her ear

Erika - "or what" I said jabbing my elbow playfully into his stomach

Jake - "don't worry about it" I said playfully shoveling her away and running out of her room "now hurry up we gotta go"

Erika - "you little ass" I said steadying my balance and laughing as I ran after him out the door and towards the car

Jake - "you caught me" I said spinning her around and pushing her against the door of the tesla 

Erika - "hurry up we gotta go" I said mockingly as a pushed him off of me and opened my door. I began to get in but he grabbed my arm 

Jake - "hey you forgot something" I said pulling her into me

Erika - "oh really? And what's that" I said

Jake - "this" I said as I kissed her

Erika - "oh" i said pulling away and getting in the car with the door still opened "now get in the car"

Jake - "ok ok" I said "jeez I can't even kiss you anymore" I said pulling outta the driveway

Erika - "not when you've been an ass" I said playfully slapping his shoulder

Jake - "come on I was just trying flirt with you" I said truthfully

Erika - "I know" I said smirking at him

Jake - "oh I see how it is" I said putting my hand on her thigh and driving

* later*

Erika POV - the doctors appointment went well. It's too soon to tell the gender but the pregnancy is confirmed. The doctor said he or she is very healthy for this stage. After our appointment Jake dropped me off at home. He had a bunch of meetings in LA. It was now 9:30pm and I was sitting on the steps waiting for him. He should be home anytime now I said to myself as Thomas came out of the office and set below me.

Thomas - "hey Erika can I talk to you" he said nervously

Erika - "uhhhhh.......yeah what's up" I said 

Thomas - "Erika I really like you" he said proudly

Erika - "Thomas I'm flattered but I'm with Jake. I'm also pregnate with his child."

Thomas - "well if I can't have you no one can" he said enraged 

Erika - "thoma......." I was cut off when he pinned me down and slammed his lips onto mine

Erika POV - he slammed his lips onto mine. I wouldn't kiss back and he got agreessive. I kept trying to push him off but he was too strong. Just then I heard the door handle move and the door open

Jake POV - I just got home from business. It's like 9:45 and I can't wait to see my girl. I opened the door to find Erika and Thomas on the steps. Thomas had her pinned down and was kissing her. She was trying to push him off but couldn't I could see her fear and tears on her face. Thomas saw me and immediately backed off of huddled terrified against the wall. Erika ran to me and fell into my arms crying. I could tell she was terrified.

Erika - "Jake help me Jake" I cried scared 

Jake - "what happened" I said enraged

Erika - "Thomas tried to get me to kiss him back and when I didn't he got mad and hurt me and through himself on me" I said clinging into Jake's chest. I knew my nails were clawing his back but I did t care and neither did he. He didn't say anything just set me down rubbed he chin and laughed a small laugh and a smirk appeared on his face.

Jake - I quietly laughed to myself and glared dead at Thomas "you fucked up. YOU FUCKED UP REAL BAD!" I yelled throwing my self at him  and shoving him into the wall and punched him over and over

Erika - "Jake Jake calm down" I said trying to pull him away "he's had enough"

Jake - "no Erika this bastard should die for what he did to you" I said pulling my arm away from her grasped and continuing to keep beating the life out of Thomas

Erika POV - no one else was home except for Ray and Chance in the upstairs bedroom play video games. I took one look at Jake continuing to hit Thomas and ran up the stairs. I burst through their door.

Erika - "HELP RAY! CHANCE HELP! HES KILLING HIM" I yelled in tears

Ray and Chance - "Erika what's going on? Who's killing someone" we asked shocked

Erika - "it's Jake" I whimpered "he's killing Thomas" I cried and with that we ran down stairs

Ray POV - we ran down the stairs to see Jake at the bottom against the wall pumberling Thomas. He wouldn't stop. He couldn't stop. Me and Chance knew what we had to do. We ran over and grabbed Jake's arm on either side and pulled him fightinly away. We had to pull him to another wall and pin against it to keep him from escaping our grasp. I never knew he was so strong

Jake - "LET GO OF ME" I screamed

Ray & Chance - "JAKE JAKE STOP. just stop" we said seeing him getting tired

Jake - "no no" I said falling to the floor crying. Dragging them with me "he kissed her he hurt her he deserves to die"

Ray & Chance - "it okay Jake" we said quietly "calm down your scaring Erika" we said looking over to see her cowering in the top corner of  the staircase 

Jake POV - I looked up to see her crying huddled in the corner staring blankly at the bloody mess of Thomas. The bloody mess I had caused. She probably thinks I'm a monster I cried to myself. I stood up and walked up the stairs slowly to her. I crouched beside her and engulfed her ina hug

Jake - "I'm sorry Erika" I said sitting down filling and letting her fall onto me "I couldn't stop myself I was too mad. I love you too much to let that slide"

Erika - (whimpering) "it's okay he deserved it and I love you more" I said hudderling myself into Jake. He picked me up and walked towards his room. 

Jake - "guys we are going to bed. Please call the cops and get him out of here" I said looking back for only a second

Ray & Chance - "ok Jake" we said pulling up Thomas and walking him outside and calling the cops 

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