Patricia, Thomas, Court, and Jail

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Jake POV - I woke up this morning with pain in my back and chest. I looked down to see Erika grasped onto my chest and arms. She was holding onto me like her life depended on it. Aw I thought but ow at the same time. She must've been scared last night. 

Jake - "hello wolverine" I said laughing and kissing her gently "wake up"

Erika - "huh" I said looking up "why'd you call me wolverine" said giggling

Jake - "look" I said pulling her up to reveal my scraped and scratched up chest

Erika - "OMG Jake" I said seeing his red chest and torso and not being able to stop myself from giggling 

Jake - "aw" said tickling her "someone was scared last night"

Erika - "shut up Jake" I said giggling 

*2 hours later/10am*

Jake - "Erika we gotta go" I yelled adjusting the sleves of my outfit while waiting by the door

Erika - "Coming" I yelled back running out of the bedroom fixing my dress

Erika - "Coming" I yelled back running out of the bedroom fixing my dress

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                                     Jake's Outfit

                                           Erikas Outfit

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                                           Erikas Outfit

Erika POV - today me and Jake had two court dates. We had one on the situation with Thomas and the other for what I did to Patricia. Thomas's was sueing both ways but with Patricia we couldn't get outta it just say our side and hop the amount lessoned.

*30 minutes later at the courhouse*

Judge - "All please rise. Erika and Jake please step forward and place you hand on the Bible" 

Jake - "we do" he answered for us as the judge swore us in. They did the same to Thomas

*15 minutes later*

Judge - "now that I have recounted the events and actions of both parties I have made my desicion. Jake Paul you must pay for Thomas Petrous medical bills but that's not all. Mr. Petrou you must leave team ten and are sentenced to 6 months in prison for sexual and domestic abuse. You are now dismissed" 

Jake POV - Thomas's court went great I only owe $100,000 towards his medical cost. As far as the Patricia situation we won because she failed to appear. 

*30 minutes later at the team ten house*

Jake - "hey babe can I talk to you" I said entering the office and closing the door 

Erika - "yeah what's up" I said 

Jake - "I just got off the phone with Kevin" I said worriedly 

Erika - "ok......" I said hesitant for the answer

Jake - "Erika, I'm going to prison" I said beginning to cry

Erika - "what . For what" I said angerly and half crying

Jake - "the extinct of Thomas's injuries were too servere. They won't to try me for attempted murder." I said looking away

Erika - "Jake how could this happen. We just went to court today." I said throwing down my phone

Jake - "Erika please calm down" I said

Erika - "ok Jake ok I'm just confused" I said crying and falling into his arms as he fell into mine

Jake - "Kevin said the medical examiners at the prison were shocked. They said they knew what it looked like when someone had tried to kill someone else and that Thomas looked like that. And they were right babe. I was trying to kill him" I said crying

Erika - "Jake no" I said crying harder

Jake - "I know Erika the cops are coming in an hour to pick me up but I have a favor to ask" I said wiping her tears

Erika - "what is it Jake"

Jake - "Erika don't testify"

Erika - "what Jake are you stupid"

Jake - "no Erika" I said beginning to cry again "it's just that he's getting more than he deserves it's only fair for me to get what I deserve. You testifying will only let me off the hook"

Erika - "Jake I'm testifying and that's final" I said staring into his eyes blankly

Jake - "Erika your not" I said crying harder

Erika - "but Jake" I said being cut off

Jake - "Erika please" I begged and whimpered cutting her off "for me"

Erika POV - it made me so sad seeing him there crying. I love hi and didn't want him to go to jail but I also valued his manly decision to fess up and take the punishment for his actions. And hour later the cops showed up and I had to tell him goodbye.

Jake - "Erika Im so sorry. I love you" i said hugging her

Erika - "Jake I love you too and don't be sorry" I pulled hi, into the best kiss ever

Jake POV - we kissed and electricity went off

Jake - "goodbye babe" is aid as she cried into my chest

Erika - "goodbye Jake" I said as the cops ripped him away from me

Jake - "I love you"

Erika - "I love you too" I said realizing I wouldn't see him until his court date in a week

Erika POV - Jake had told me to try out of this one but I couldn't. He was protecting me and he didn't deserve this. He said not to testify and I'm not going to but Jake won't go to jail. I have another plan.

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