No Proof No Punishment

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*one week later*

Erika POV - today is Jake's court date. He doesn't want me to testify and I won't because he wished that I not and because I hope it'll work in our favor anyways. Aside from that Jake and I have been talking everyday. I drive the 1 hour every morning and we talk for an hour in the meeting room. It's 9:00am now and Jake's court is at 10:30am. I have to get ready.

                                                                                      Erikas Outfit

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                                                                                      Erikas Outfit

*1 hr 15 min later; in court room*

Jake POV - I was sitting in my shit of a cell waiting to be brought out for my hearing. I was thinking over my arguement. I had been thinking for 3 days now and yesterday me and my attorney decided to plead innocent. He talked some since into me and made me realize that I shouldn't be punished for saving Erika. The guard opened my door and I wa lead out to see 200 people sitting in seats waiting. I imediantly saw Erika sitting at my table. She was sitting with me in case they called upon her to testify to which she would deny. I sat down and decided to whisper to Erika with the last 10 minutes o had before me life as I knew it was at risk.

Erika - "hey Mr. Criminal" I said finding him hot in his orange jumpsuit

Jake - "hey beautiful" I said siting beside her and hugging her to the side not knowing if I could kiss her or not

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Jake - "hey beautiful" I said siting beside her and hugging her to the side not knowing if I could kiss her or not

Erika - "Jake. I've decided to testify" I said in all seriousness

Jake - "Erika I agree" I said smiling at her

Erika - "what!?" I said surprised by his answer

Jake - "I agree. Me, Kevin, and my attorneys decided to plead innocent. So if they address you go for it" I said 

Erika - "really Jake!? Oh I'm so happy you came to your senses" I said hugging him once more

Jake - "yeah me too. I realized that shouldn't be punished for saving the girl I love" I said relizing it was corny and saving myself by saying "and if I went to jail it would be bad for business"

Erika - "aw the first part was sweet but when we get home your getting punished for the second part" I said giggling and winking"

Jake - "oooohh mami" I said giggling back

Erika - "oh stop it and shutup the judge is starting to talk" i said secretly slapping his knee

Judge - "hello men and women. I know you have arrived here, some from far but all alike, to here the case against Jake Paul and Thomas Petrou. I'm am deeply sorry for your travels as it has been brought up to me that this case has no proof. There is no evidence to be presented besides his injuries. I'm am again deeply sorry for your experiences and travels but everyone is free to go."

Jake - "what?!" I said excitingly looking at Erika

Erika - "Jake your free" I said hugging him not caring about the guards that were removing his cuffs

Jake - "I know babe" kisses her as she kisses back

Erika - "I knew it babe" I said kissing him again and hugging him tighter

Jake - "knew what?"

Erika - "I always say the bad guy sign through in the end. You were innocent the whole time. I knew it would work out for you, for us in the end" I said tearing up with tears of joy

Jake - "I love you Erika" I said looking into her eyes

Erika - "I love you too Jake" I said snuggling into his arm and shoulder as we left the court house and headed home.

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