Supernatural Preferences

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How you meet-

Dean- You stood in the market just staring at the empty shelves. You sighed and turned around to meet green eyes staring at your (e/c) eyes. "Can I help you? Because I don't work here." You said. He stayed quiet for a minute before responding. "You've been staring at that empty shelves for the past 7 minutes. Can I ask why?" He had a deep voice. You smiled at the man. "Some dude took the last pie and I kinda stand here till they put more out." You explained. The man reach down into his basket. And handed you the pie. "Here, I can find another." You stared at him. "Your lying." He smirked. "Alright! I do love me some pie. How about we split it half the pay and you take half of it. Deal?" You nodded. "Fine. By the way I'm (y/n)." You stuck your hand out. "Dean. Dean Winchester."

Sam- You weren't tall. So when you are at the library or book store- since you almost always there- you try and avoid for books out of your reach. However, there is one book you always wanted and you couldn't reach. You huffed in frustration. You looked up and saw a hand grabbed the book. You turned around and saw a tall man with long hair. He passed you the book. "Here, I saw you struggling to reach for this." You went red. "Well, yeah. I'm not the tall. Wait how long have you been watching?" This time he went red. "A few minutes." You rose an eyebrow. "Seriously dude! I could have gotten that book a few minutes ago!" He looked at you with puppy eyes. You sighed. "Thanks...?" You stopped realising you didn't know the mans name. "Sam Winchester." You nodded. "I have to go and meet my brother. See you around.." He turned around. "THE NAME IS (y/n) BY THE WAY." As you waved good bye.

Castiel- You sat at the edge of the roof. Not because you wanted to commit suicide. No, it because you loved the view. You could see the city. There was a man watching you and you could feel his stare. "Are you going to stand there? Or would you like to join me?" Of course you were taking a risk, I mean this man could be a murderer. You heard footsteps and then at the corner of you eyes you saw him sit down. "Beautiful ain't it just?" You asked, being friendly. He nodded. "Very." He replied. After a few minutes of peaceful quietness. You sighed. "You don't talk much." You turn to see a man in a trench coat and he had bright blue eyes. You felt a small smile creep into you face. "It doesn't matter. I hope I see you again... Wait whats? Your name?" He looked at you. "Castiel." Your eyes shined. "Nice name Castiel. My name is (y/n).

Gabriel- You worked at the bar. Many men has flirted with you but you always say the strippers are on the right which they always seem to go. You aren't a stripper or a pole dance. You were the bartender. So usually you have to make sure no person was left out with a drink. But this man was different. "Can I help you?" You asked a handsome man. His eyes were golden and you were very attracted to them. "No, but can I help you?" You rolled your eyes. "You know the strippers are on the right?" You asked as he chuckled. "Yes but I don't want them. The names Gabriel." You stared at Gabriel. "And my name is (y/n). You are are the first man who actually don't want strippers." He chuckled once more. "Because I want you. See you another time, (y/n)." And then he disappeared.

Balthazar- You worked at the museum. You locked up late but you didn't leave. You knew something or someone was stealing things. You heard a noise and turned around. It was dark. But since your eyes has already got use to the dark, you could see. You saw a man trying to steal a crown. You couldn't really see what he looked like but you just started at him. You were leaning on your desk. He turned around and grinned at you. Since you were up on the second floor he looked up at you. "How long have you been watching?" You shrugged but you noticed he had a british accent. "Few minutes." He flashed next to you. You shrugged it off. "Wine?" You offered as you pour yourself one." Please." You poured him one and passed it to him. "Thank you... You are very welcoming and beautiful, love." You shrugged and blushed at the same time. "I have a blade in my drawer, try to attack me I can stab you." He laughed. "Angelic I think." You said as he stopped laughing. "Well, thank you. I'll make sure I won't steal anything from you but I will visit. Don't miss me too much" You smirked. "My name is Balthazar, how about you, beautiful?" You chuckled."(y/n). The names (y/n)." He kissed the back of your hand before disappearing in thin air.

Lucifer- You were walking friend's dog. You took off the lead and let him run off in the park you sat down on the bench. You were doing a friend a favour by walking the dog. You suddenly heard the dog barking. You turn around and see the dog biting the pants leg of a man. You rushed towards the man. And pulled the dog away and attached the lead. You look up at the man. "Sorry. My friend's dog doesn't know how to not bite people." You said as he chuckled. "No worry. My name is Lucifer." You smiled. "Funny thing, the dogs name is Lucifer. I know now why." You laughed as it was a joke, he started to laugh. "My name is (y/n) by the way. I have to go before my friend thinks I ran off with this dog, and I really hate this dog." He smiled as he waved you goodbye.

Michael- You were at the park with your group of friends.You were playing American Football with your male best friend. He threw the ball miles away and you didn't catch it. You sighed and ran towards the direction of the ball. You went into the trees and couldn't find it. You sighed but carried on finding. "Excuse me?" You turned around and saw a handsome man. "Are you trying to find this?" You saw him with the football in his hand. You nodded. "Thank you..uh." You wanted to know him more. So you wanted his name. "Michael." You smiled. "Thank you Michael. I'm (y/n)." As you took the ball out of his hands. "See you around Michael." As you waved goodbye and ran towards your friends.

Crowley- You walking and it was dark until this man appeared in front of you. "Can I help you?" You asked. You were already in a pissed off mood. "Yes, give me your soul." You stared at the man. "You fucking weirdo." You hissed as you pushed pass him. You carried on walking until he appeared in front of you again. "I am Crowley, now give me your soul. There is no need to be rude." You rolled your eyes. "And I am (y/n). No I will not give you my soul. Now piss the fuck off." As you walked away to you apartment.


Alright! Hello! Do please bear with me on this. I will not be adding anyone like Adam. It is already hard trying to do 8 characters. I am going to skip over he ask you out preferences because you have an mind use it. But I will do anything else. I WILL NOT DO A SEX PREFERENCES. BEWARE SOME MIGHT HAVE SWEARING.


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