Chapter 9- Guilt

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Y/n's POV

18 hours

It has been 18 hours since the incident happened. And 24 hours since the ninja have not woken up.

I still can't believe they haven't woke up yet! It's weird, my powers are helped me, but hurt them. But I know they will wake up any time now, I just don't know how they will react... will they be afraid of me? Will they be angry? Forgiving? Which one? I just don't know. But at least Zane forgave me. He is so sweet! But as I was out on the deck, sitting, looking at the beheaded dragon head, I didn't see Zane come behind me.

"Y/n, is there something troubling you?" Zane asked.

"W-what? O-oh nothing, just thinking." I sighed.

"My sensors are going off Y/n, what happened?" He asked as he sat down in front of me.

"N-nothing, I just feel guilty for what has happened. I am scared of what when the ninja does wake up, I am scared of what they will think of me, I mean I just knocked them unconscious for 18 hours!" I exclaimed.

"But Y/n, you think that this only happened to you! Kai set the whole monastery on fire, I accidentally put froze everyone, cole literally broke the floor. Jay shocked the whole ship and everything was out. Lloyd's energy blastwave literally shook the whole boat, causing everyone to link into a chain so we wouldn't fall off! This was all before we could control our powers, it just takes time. By my calculations, they are not upset." As the ninjroid said that, my eyes lit up. Maybe he is right.

"Thanks, Zane, I needed that," I said as I thought about what he said and asked a question. "Zane, you said they are not upset, did they wake up or something?" I asked.

"Oh yes! I have forgotten to tell you that everyone has woken up." As he said that my eyes changed to a hint of fear. Zane immediately caught that.

"They won't do anything Y/n, trust me on that." I nodded and walked back to the ship with Zane, scared about meeting the other ninja.

----------------Ninja's Room-------------

I walked in the room, sweaty-handed. Not expecting what to do or say. I looked inside, seeing four ninjas sitting, talking. But as I walked in the room, they got silent.

"L-look guys, I'm really sorry for um.... for knocking you out, and I didn't really mean it, I just didn't know what to do, and I didn't know that it would knock all of you sens-" I got interrupted by Nya.

"Woah Y/n, slow down, you didn't mean to do it. You were just out of control, I mean, it happens to all of us." Nya smiled, I smiled lightly.

"Yeah I mean if I had a nickel for every time Kai almost burnt this place down, I would be a millionaire," Cole smirked.

"Hey! That statement goes for all of us." Kai said as a matter of factly.

"Yeah Y/n, don't let this bring you down, I mean, you aren't the only one who did this," Lloyd said.

"Yeah! Lloyd once took down all the engines and we were floating adrift in the sea! It was funny!" Jay exclaimed.

"It happens Y/n, no need to worry." As that last sentence by Zane was spoken, I then realized something.

I now have a bigger family.

Hey, guys, I am sorry for the short chapter and lack of updates but I can explain!!! I have so much homework to do and I have no time to update now! So when I don't do weekly updates, you will know why. ANd I am sorry for the lack of shortness.... and the rush, I just need time to update my other stories. SORRY! Plz comment, vote, follow me, do what you want! But stay stealthy my ninjas!

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