Chapter 16- Trapped

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Darkness, that's all I could feel, I was hoping it to be all a dream, well not everything...

just the being captured part.

But unfortunately, it wasn't.

I woke up, sweating, trying to get up but I immediately fell during the process. It didn't take me too long to find out that there were chains on my hands, I smirked, I could merely break them with my powers.


When I tried to break them, a surge of electricity went through me, and then I realized that the chains were Vengestone.

But how did I feel the shock? 

There were many questions that were in my head, but the only word I squeezed through my mouth was...

"Shit." I groaned for two reasons:  reason one, the electricity hurt like hell, reason two, I am trapped and have no way out of this place...

My pain starts to go away fairly quickly, but I needed a way out of here, there was no telling of what these shadow people things were going to do to me.

But then when I was going to stand up, my idiotic self-forgot I was in chains, so I fell back, hitting my head on the metal-like walls. I felt something wet oozing down my head, right where I have been hit. I gasped since I have never hit my head that hard, I was crying. 

I wasn't crying because I was hurt, ok, maybe it was because of that, but the other reason why is because I got myself caught, and I have no idea what to do, and to top it all off, I don't even know if the ninja is looking for me, but all I can do is...



The ninja came back from their mission, panting and aching, they haven't been in real combat since Morro, an ad that was a while ago.

"Damn, we need to step up our game." Kai put his hand where his forehead is wiped away some sweat.

As everyone heard what Kai said, they murmured or just nodded in agreement, when Zoe was about to leave the deck as mission successful in her mind, Sensei Wu walked onto the deck.

"How was the mission." He asked in curiosity.

"It went fine, I think we are all going to get some shuteye," Lloyd said as he yawned. when they were all about to go head out to their rooms, Wu did a head count really fast.

"Where is Y/n?" He asked with concern.

All the ninjas' eyes went wide except for Zoe's, she played it off really good though.

"I am going to ask again, but this time you will answer. Where is Y/n." He asked sternly.

"W-well you see, they had both Zoe and Y/n at hold, and since they were on opposite sides of the room with more monsters coming in..." Lloyd strolled off, but Cole continued.

"We could only choose one to save." 

"I see, couldn't you have split the team? She is still a new member, you could have come up with a plan to save both of them." He started to raise his voice, Zoe huffed very quietly, clearly getting irritated, she was hoping no one would notice, but Sensei noticed clear as day.

"But we had no time-" Lloyd was cut off by Sensei.

"Buts are for sitting! I am very disappointed in you all! Time is of the essence! YOur team member is captured by an unknown enemy, she is the key to the prophecy! And we are also unknown that she is going through right now! Everyone will help come up with a plan to go and save Y/n," He sighed in concern and then whispered the last [art, but everyone heard, 

"Before it is too late..."


 I wonder what is going to happen... Sensei is catching up to Zoe.....


CrystalTale thanks you for reading my book and being active! She/he writes some FNAF books if interested!!!

AB_TheMasterWGG thanks to you for also being active! She/he has some X readers that I think you should check out if you are interested!


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