Chapter 19- Week 3

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 I screamed in agony. I felt the blood dripping from my skin. I tried to hold in my screams but it was no use. The pain was too real. It is my third week being in this hellhole. Zoe came by every now and then to tell me how the ninja are doing. I have cuts and bruises everywhere. I don't know why they were doing this though.

I mean, I know they are trying to drain the power out of me, but I mean, does it have to be like this? As I was thinking, the man that looked like a surgeon then stuck another needle and stuck it in. I didn't flinch. But then I felt something being inserted inside of me.

Not this again.

I felt a burning sensation inside me. Then cold, like I was being frozen underwater. I couldn't breathe.

I was frozen.

I tried to move but then I felt electricity go through me. I screamed in pain. I was only 17 years old! Not even allowed to drink, not allowed to do anything without a parent's consent. I haven't lived! I don't want to die like this!

I wanted to cry, but I didn't want to give them that much satisfaction.

"Now, I need to see if you can use your powers. Go. Use them. But don't try anything." He scowled.

Every time they would ask me to use my powers, I would succeed. They were trying to get rid of my powers, but it was harder than expected.

I overheard them speaking, they said that I was so dependent on my 2 elements that, if one was taken, the other would bring it back. They are mixed together. But they don't know how to separate them in a way to get rid of them completely.

But when I tried to use my powers to create a cloud. It wouldn't work. I started to panic. I tried again and again. I couldn't do it. The doctor smirked. I glared.

I then tried to create a ball of water, those were easy, but instead of creating that, I created a splash of water. It wasn't a ball of water like Nya's...

But it was something.

I sighed in relief and harshly layed back on the cold hard table. I was still restrained on the table. It felt cold. I thought of the ninja.

I had lost hope, hope that they would come, hope that I would come out of this alive, and hope that I would be able to slap them across the face.

Yes, I would if I had the chance, but then again, I think I am more scared of them than mad. I mean, they left me here. I don't blame them, but their attitude was so cruel that it just had me afraid, I am so dependent that I don't know how it feels to be alone.

And they made me feel that way.

I heard the doctor scowl and bang the table next to me. He failed. I then saw Dagon barge through the door. (Dagon = Zoell's father) I flinched. He seemed extra mad.

"Zoell has been compromised by Wu, but don't worry,  Zoe still had the pesky ninja under her hands, and by the time they realize what's happening," He looked at me with a devious smile, "We will already be done with her. Was there any progress?" He asked firmly to the doctor.

"Well her powers are now very weak, she can't escape for the time being, but they are still there, but her elemental power of weather was not working, she only tried water. But it was still very weak. All I have to do is perfect this serum that will take a few weeks of more testing on the girl," He lifted the thing he stabbed me with and started to wiggle it in front of him, "And I think I will be able to get rid of them... permanently." He smirked.

"Thankfully we have the time, put her back in the cell, but don't underestimate her, she can be a feisty one." As he was saying that he was walking out the door, determined his plan will work.

Will's POV

3 weeks and I still haven't talked to Y/n, I can't go to the ninja because well, I'm not supposed to know that she is a ninja in training.

When she called me last time, she said that there was a girl making everyone, not like her, she just fancies the wording, I think her name was Zoe? But I'm not sure.

When I was looking through the bounty's last coordinates, (yes, I can hack) they went out of Ninjago city and into the forest east this way.

I held my phone in my hand as it told me the directions, I told my mom I am going to Y/n's a couple of weeks.

Let's hope she doesn't call anyone.

As I was going towards the coordinates, I stopped because this is as far they would go. I huffed in annoyance.

"Come on! I know the ship stopped her but, they have to have trackers on the ninja or something, anything!" I was desperate. I wanted to find his best friend, wait, the wrong choice of words.

I needed to find his best friend.

Thankfully, he was still in the database, so he searched the night they made plans.


He cheered happily until he heard some grunting, he quickly climbed a tree, he saw three, weird looking guards.


But behind them, he saw humans. He smirked, good thing there was only one. I pulled a James Bond and right when he was below me, I jumped on him and pushed the man into the bushes.

"Where is she." I sneered.

"W-who man? There is no one." He stated.

"Look, I don't have time for this crap. Where. is. Y/n." I said grabbing his armor tighter.

"I don't know! There is no Y/ns in there okay!" He screamed, and I shushed him immediately.

"Fine, then let me rephrase the question. Who are the prisoners." I asked.

"We-we only have a girl. S-she has elemental powers, that's all I know!" He whispered. I sighed, that's gotta be her.

"Sorry about this and thanks," I stated politely before knocking him out. I needed his armor, I took his armor, thank god he still has clothes underneath, and put it on, I then went the same direction, hid my bag underneath the armor, and went in this unknown abyss.

For my best friend.


Will cares about you! Isn't that nice! I hope he doesn't get killed... I CONTROL HIS FATE MWHAHAHA!



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