t h i r t e e n

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they had both pulled away, and joji stood there sniffling. joji slowly invited ian in, being a little weary because of previous events. but ian gladly accepted and pulled his luggage behind him. he turned around to face george, while rubbing his neck in awkwardness. "you-uh, you left your hoodie here. i hope you don't mind, but i washed it because i had been wearing it." ian trailed off on the last bit, unaware that joji had heard. "oh you did? that's alright. i would love to wear yours, but you know." joji slightly looked off in the distance thinking about ian's smell. his smell couldn't be described, it was just a god-like smell. it made you feel safe, and like you're meeting your first love again.
ian made him feel this way all the time. even if they didn't talk. just the thought of ian would make his heart go crazy. even after everything that had happened; it was as if all the fighting had dissipated into nothing. joji didn't know what to expect when ian showed up at his door a few minutes ago, but god damn was he glad he did. although he thought about his expectations were too high. he just wanted ian to fully understand his side of things, and while he was sure ian did, he felt as if there were some things ian didn't. example being: the way joji felt after that night they spent together. of course, he was fucking drunk. but the feelings afterwards...holy shit. ian couldn't understand, and he probably never could. but now.. since he said something about him gaining feelings for joji, that may change. he might not feel the exact way joji did after, but something very similar to it.

joji stood awkwardly while ian was looking through his things for his hoodie. but when he found it, there seemed to be a hesitant look on ian's face; as if he didn't want to give it back. but he passed it over to joji, and he gladly accepted it. he hadn't realised he had left it, since he left in an anxiety-induced rush. joji held the hoodie up to his face, trying to smell it without seeming weird. it smelled like ian, of course. but joji loved this. he loved everything about ian. he never stopped. 

"ian?" joji picked his head up, trying to make contact with the taller man. ian's attention was instantly brought to joji, as he tried finding his eyes. "yeah?" ian said with a small smile on his face. joji felt his anxiety start to pick up, but he had to tell ian how much he loved him. he was very hesitant, which made ian start to worry a bit. "george? are you okay?" he asked with a concerning look plastered on his face. joji knew he wasn't okay, and he knew ian would probably think he is moving too fast, but he had to get this off his chest. he didn't want to have the same pent up energy like he had before. he didn't want to give a fuck, but he did. he shook his head, and decided to grow some balls and just tell ian. "i-ian..i..i.." joji paused, hesitant to speak. ian never broke eye contact with joji, making him even more hesitant. "...i-i love you.." joji said as he closed his eyes to keep himself from crying. he put his hands up to his face, trying to rub away the need to cry. 'god damn i'm such a emotional fuck..' he thought. his breathes became heavier and heavier. but then, joji looked up. he saw something on ian's face he had never seen before. and joji couldn't explain what it was. joji saw something in those eyes, and yet he still didn't know what it was. "can i say something too?" ian said with a more happier tone than before. joji nodded in response. "i uh, i love you too, george." joji's heart exploded in euphoria. this is all he had ever asked for. ian stepped closer, grasping joji's arms. his heart beat sped up even quicker, as ian did so. they were the closest they had ever been before. "c-can i try something? y-you know i've never done this before.." ian stuttered out. he was genuinely afraid. joji nodded 'yes' again. ian got a little closer, so that their bodies were touching now. joji's heart felt as if it were going to stop any moment now. ian glided his hand up from joji's arm to joji's face, rubbing his thumb up and down his cheek. they were staring into each other's eyes, as if one of them were going to leave at any give minute. ian started to lean in, as if he were going to kiss joji. their lips touched, and joji felt everything and nothing at the same time. this was very fucking long overdue, and both of them had needed this from each other. 

their lips connected and fit like puzzle pieces. they moved in such a swift motion, it was like water flowing down a waterfall. ian's hands traced every inch of joji's upper body and torso. he had never done this, but damn was he doing a fine job.


oo this chapter has taken me way too long. but i kinda like it?? idk, but i hope it's good for you guys. enjoy!



i also saw his tweet, and im like, who tf hurt you? lemme fight them. fuck them.

he said 'take advantage of my leniency card, and u lose my leniency card forever'

like god damn. but he said something about more, bigger things coming up and that has me shook asf. and i have yet to watch the hbo thing, but i will soon. trust me lol. but anyway, enough of me rambling. i really hope this is good, and im planning something for the next chapter, and i can bet you know what it is ;;)) lmao

have a goodnight/day my frens! <3


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