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Cinder's POV

We arrived in Vale in a matter of seconds. We walked down the street towards my headquarters here in Vale.

"Where are we going?"Y/N asked.

"My secret base."I said.

"It ain't much of a secret now."Y/N said. I couldn't help but giggle. We walked for a few minutes before Y/N spoke up.

"There's my alley!"he said pointing to an alley.

"What?"I asked confused.

"It's my home."Y/N said sadly. I looked into the alley to see two trashcans with a newspaper on top being a roof and more newspapers being the bed. My smile faded.

"I'm sorry."Is all I said.

"Thanks."he said. I looked forward and kept walking.

Roman's POV

I stood over a large amount of crates full of dust from the Schnee Dust Company. God bless the rich and famous. I was looking over my men that Adam Taurus had sent me to help in the heists. I turned around to see Emerald and Mercury waiting for me.

"Ah she sent the kids."I said walking up to them.

"It feels just like a divorce."I said hugging their heads.

"Cut the chat Roman."said Emerald as she pulled away.

"Right right."I said. I stuttered trying to find an answer.

"Can you get to the point faster?"said Mercury.

"Listen here you little punk!"I said pointing at Mercury.

"We cannot be so rude to your guests can you Roman?"said Cinder above me on a catwalk. She climbed down the stairs.

"No ma'am."I said. Mercury snicked. I shot him a death glare.

"So do you have the dust?"Cinder asked.

"Eh, Ehhh, EHHHHHH!"I said gesturing to the crates full of dust from the Schnee Dust Company. Cinder nodded.

"Good, because plans have changed. We don't need it anymore."Cinder said.

"Oh so they have, have they?"I asked.

"Do you mind telling me what the fridge is going on at Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc?"I asked. I heard Emerald giggle.

"Well my boss sent us a new member."she said with a sly smile.

"Who?"I asked. Just then the door flung open throwing two White Fang members. In stepped a man about my height wearing all black and some Grimm bones as armor pieces. He also wore a mask that covered his whole head. He walked up to me as some of the White Fang soldiers backed up in fear. The man walked up to me.

"That new member would be me Mr. Roman Torchwick. Oh I just love your work with robbing EVERY single dust shop that's open! It's just ingenious!"the figure said.

"Uh...thank you?"I asked.

"Y/N, Y/N L/N."he said holding out his hand. I hesitantly shook it.

"Roman Torchwick, but you already know me."I said. He answered with a laugh.

"You're funny, you're a funny guy."Y/N said. I bowed.

"I do what I do best."I said.

"Well today, things are gonna change around here!"Y/N said. Some of the White Fang hid.

"WELL TODAY...I won't be here at all."Y/N announced. The White Fang that hid came out of hiding.

"Really?"I asked. Y/N nodded.

"I have a different mission."Y/N said.

"Oh."I said disappointed. I kinda liked this guy.

"But I will visit."Y/N said as he spun to face the entire warehouse.

"I am going to leave, good day."Y/N said walking out of the building.

"Who was that?"I asked.

"I have no idea."Cinder said with a smile as she rolled her eyes.


I walked outside as I could make my way over to Beacon.

'Showtime.'I thought. I then teleported to Ozpin's office with a tool that Salem had given me before I left. I teleported without a sound and appeared in his office. Ozpin sat at his desk drinking a mug of coffee. I step into the shadows of the room so he could not see me. 

"Well hello."I said. Ozpin turned around to try and see me.

"Who's there?"he asked holding his cane tightly. I stepped out.

"What a pleasant surprise Prof. Ozpin!"I said. Ozpin's grip tightened. I drew my sword and pointed the tip at his throat.

"Call team R.W.B.Y...now."I said. His grip loosened. He nodded. He pressed a button on his scroll and sent a voice message.

"Could you and your team see me in my office now?"he said. He pressed another button and the message was sent. A minute later the elevator opened.

"You needed to see us Prof...OHMYGOSH!!!"Ruby said pulling out Cresent Rose along with her team who drew their weapons.

"Hello girls."I said.

"What are you doing here?!"Weiss demanded.

"Calm down there Ice Queen."I said.

"I just want to make some negotiations."I said calmly.

"WE WILL KILL YOU IF YOU TRY ANYTHING!"Yang yelled as she drew her gauntlets to gun position. I reacted by pulling her gauntlets off her hands and into my hands. She looked like she saw a ghost along with her team. I set the gauntlets down on the table.

"I wouldn't dare try."I said.

"Now,"I said as I clapped my hands together."first put your weapons down."They didn't.

"Now...or he dies."I said as I flung my sword to Ozpin's neck. The girls lowered their weapons.

"Now I will give you information on Salem's whereabouts if you let me into your school."I said.

"That's it?!"asked Weiss. I nodded.

"Now Ozzy, you will let me into your school."I said. He nodded.

"This seems real strange."Ruby exclaimed. I turned and walked towards her. I was just a few inches from her face.

"It's only strange if you make it strange."I said with a pat on the head. I could tell she blushed. I walked past before stepping into the elevator with my hands behind my back.

"Have a nice day."I said as the doors closed.

King of The Grimm: Reader x RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now